Volunteering in Mrs. DeLeeuw's Class The kids in Mrs. DeLeeuw’s room all live with autism. In Mrs. DeLeeuw’s class the students learn regular school things and also life skills and ways to be independent. They are amazing people and they all have great talents. The Voyagers and Mrs. D’s class have teamed up to give her students lots of P.O.P.S.(power of peer support) time. The Voyagers call them the Star Clan. They spend time with us during singing and calendar time, and during some assemblies, field trips and other school events. Calendar time is my job and one of my friends in Mrs. D’s class helps me everyday. I love to volunteer with the Star Clan! I spend time with my friends in Mrs. D’s class almost every day. I like to play with my friends on the playground, read with them, play games, and help them during computer time. I also help them get their lunches in the cafeteria and sit with them during lunch time. Some of my other voyager friends are volunteers in Mrs. D’s class too. I have learned a lot from my friends in the Star Clan. Mrs. D and all of the teachers are really awesome and nice. They have inspired me to become a Special Ed. Teacher when I grow up.
About Autism Autism is a disorder that many people live with. Children that live with autism usually develop it in their first 3 years of life. Autism effects the brain development and communication skills but even scientists studying autism don’t know how or why. No two children that live with autism are alike. Autism is a broad spectrum disorder. This means that there is more than one type of autism. 1 in 110 of babies born will have autism. 1 percent of the whole population of children in the us ages 3-16 or 17 live with autism spectrum disorder million Americans live with/ have autism spectrum disorder
Why a puzzle piece used for autism awareness? Here are some ideas I found. One of the reasons why they use a puzzle piece is that autism is a puzzle with MANY pieces that people studying autism are trying to solve. Another reason is that people are trying to solve the puzzle of why no two people that live with autism are alike/ have the same symptoms.
Autism spectrum Autism is sometimes called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). When a person lives with ASD, it means that they have something different in their brains than other people. This can cause them to act different than you or me. There are a lot of people trying to figure out what causes autism but they just don’t know yet. People living with Autism usually have some trouble understanding other people’s words or feelings. Some people living with Autism are happy, then at some point will become sad or mad. That might be because they cant tell people what they want.
Autism spectrum (continued) Children living with autism do go to school and learn just like us. People living with less severe autism it might be in your class. Or other kids who have more symptoms might be in a class like Mrs. DeLeeuw's. When they grow up, people living with autism can learn to be or do lots of things. Some will have jobs and families like you or me. Others might always need help. Even though autism never goes away, people with autism can live a very happy life.
Autism spectrum (continued) People living with autism aren't that different from you or me. some things might be harder for them but others they could do better than you. Just like us- they have feelings. They might be happy, sad, lonely or loving. It is important to know that even if someone living with autism acts different than you, they have feelings and they care about other people. So just be yourself when you are with someone that lives with autism you can make a new friend that way.
A person with Autism may have some or all the following characteristics.
Speech A little more than a third of people living with autism don’t develop enough speech to communicate their needs. Differences in speech may be present in the first year or two of life. children living with autism are less likely to make natural requests and are more likely to repeat other peoples words. Sometimes, people with autism cant speak or its hard to speak. They can communicate in pictures, writing notes or they can learn sign language.
Sounds Some people living with autism are very sensitive to loud and sharp noises. And can be sensitive even with daily noises like someone on the TV. Sometimes you might see someone with autism wearing headphones to reduce noise.
Eyes and sight Bright lights, colors or a weird setting can make a person living with autism feel overwhelmed. If things are more clear, familiar, clearly labeled, and organized they are more comfortable and might know better what to expect.