Cambrian Special Education
Cambrian Special Education Programs and Services Serving Approximately 250 Students with Special Needs Special Day Classes (SDC) Preschool (2.5): Three AM Classes and Two PM Classes K-3 rd Grade (3): Bagby, Sartorette & Farnham 3 rd -5 th Grade (2): Sartorette & Farnham Resource Specialist Program (RSP) Teachers Speech/Language Therapists School Psychologists & Program Specialist
Grades 2-5 Special Education STAR Results English Language Arts % Basic or Above % Basic or Above % Basic or Above
Grades 2-8 Special Education STAR Results Math/Algebra % Basic or Above % Basic or Above % Basic or Above
The Special Day Classes (SDC) at Farnham K-2 Nicole Stauffacher 3 rd -5 th Debbie Rice Placement Based on IEP Team Decision Serving a growing population of relatively bright students with social-cognitive impairments and related communication, learning and social- emotional/behavioral challenges Most students are eligible under Speech/Language Impairment and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder An Example of What We Do…
The Special Day Classes (SDC) at Farnham K-2 Nicole Stauffacher 3rd-5th Debbie Rice Specially trained SDC Teachers, Aides and Speech/Language Therapist working in a Collaborative Model Advanced training in autism spectrum disorder and social cognition Small class size (8-12 students) with Integration as Appropriate Integration and mainstreaming with ‘typically developing peers’
The Special Day Classes (SDC) at Farnham K-2 Nicole Stauffacher 3rd-5th Debbie Rice Individualized Educational Programs (IEP) Work on state standards based goals at each child’s level Work on other individualized goals (language, behavior, etc.) Work on social thinking/cognition related goals Multiple Teaching Strategies Small group and direct instruction Structured tasks working on discrete skills and generalization Activities vary & use visual supports, music, hands-on, games… Social thinking and language concepts/skills reinforced throughout day in variety of settings and activities
The Special Day Classes (SDC) at Farnham Social Thinking Curriculum Social thinking is not just working on social interaction skills but also core skills used in academic learning that require flexible, non literal thinking (e.g., reading comprehension, writing, math word problems, etc.) Example: ‘Pirate Club’
The Special Day Classes (SDC) at Farnham Social Thinking Curriculum Speech/Language Pathologist (SLP) & Special Day Class (SDC) Teachers develop language and social thinking curriculum: Utilize their specialized training, research and published resources (e.g., Michelle Garcia Winner) Push in model: occurs throughout day and within classroom schedule using, when possible, ‘typical peers’ as models
The Special Day Classes (SDC) at Farnham Social Thinking Curriculum Social Thinking/Communication May Focus On: perspective taking staying on unpreferred topic flexibility comprehension of social scenarios body language & nonverbal communication expressing feelings or thoughts asking/answering questions imaginative play social interaction Example: “Red/Green Thoughts”
Video Clip of Our Students The Special Day Classes (SDC) at Farnham K-2 Nicole Stauffacher 3rd-5th Debbie Rice