DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°1 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects Financial Aspects of Research Infrastructures instruments
DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°2 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects 1- Payment modalities of the EC contribution A first prefinancing equal to 80% of the estimated Community financial contribution for the first reporting period (P1) and the first six months of the second reporting period, within 45 calendar days following the date of entry into force of the contract. [Art. 8.2.(a)] Example: => First prefinancing equal to: 80% x ( ) = €
DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°3 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects 1- Payment modalities of the EC contribution Within 45 calendar days following the approval by the Commission of the requested periodic reports and no later than 90 calendar days following the receipt of the complete requested periodic reports: if audit certificate: a payment settles the amounts justified and accepted for the relevant reporting period (example: P1); an intermediary prefinancing equal to a maximum of 80% of the estimated Community financial contribution for the subsequent reporting period (example: P2) and the first six months of the reporting period following (example: P3), within the limit of 80% of the difference between the maximum Community financial contribution and the payment(s) accepted.
DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°4 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects 1- Payment modalities of the EC contribution Within 45 calendar days following the approval by the Commission of the requested periodic reports and no later than 90 calendar days following the receipt of the complete requested periodic reports: if no audit certificate: an intermediary prefinancing equal to a maximum of 80% of the estimated Community financial contribution for the subsequent reporting period (example: P2) and the first six months of the reporting period following (example: P3): within the limit of 80% of the difference between the maximum Community financial contribution and the payment(s) accepted. and if at least 70% of the initial prefinancing has been consumed
DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°5 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects 1- Payment modalities of the EC contribution Example related to the impact of audit certificate Hypothesis The periodic justified and accepted eligible costs are considered as equal to the estimated Community financial contribution per reporting period.
DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°6 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects 1- Payment modalities of the EC contribution Example related to the impact of audit certificate Case n°1 Case n°2 Difference: €
DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°7 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects 1- Payment modalities of the EC contribution
DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°8 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects 1- Payment modalities of the EC contribution
DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°9 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects 2- VAT issue [Art. II.19.2.(a)]: The following non eligible costs may not be charged to the project: a) any identifiable indirect taxes, including VAT or duties; Uneligibility of VAT has been confirmed by legal service of DG RTD for recoverable and irrecoverable VAT. This is compliant with the principle of cost shared projects.
DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°10 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects 3- Audit certificates - Language of the audit certificate: Financial Guidelines page 98 An audit certificate should be delivered in one of the official languages of the European Union. The external auditor must attach a certified translation in one of these languages, preferably in English, where an audit certificate is not provided in one of these languages. - Audit certificates must be specific to the contract and the period concerned : No audit certificate regarding the financial statements of a contractor can be considered as acceptable - Audit certificates provided by an external auditor with the possibility for public bodies to opt for a competent public officer External Auditor: 1)independant from the contractor 2)qualified to carry out statutory audits of accounting documents (8th directive 84/253/EEC of 10/04/84) Competent Public Officer: relevant national authorities have established the legal capacity of that competent public officer to audit that public body.
DG Research - Directorate B - Unit 03: “Research Infrastructures” Brussels, 12th of November NOT LEGALLY BINDING - Page n°11 Presentation made by Bertrand MICHAUD – Unit B-04 Research Infrastructures – Financial aspects THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION