E-Infrastructures for scholarly communication A first step to OA. An indispensable step for e-Science The case of High-Energy Physics Jens Vigen – Head.


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Presentation transcript:

e-Infrastructures for scholarly communication A first step to OA. An indispensable step for e-Science The case of High-Energy Physics Jens Vigen – Head CERN Salvatore Mele – Head of Open CERN

I am a librarian… …but I’ve contributed to an e-Infrastructure or two

e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures e-Science

e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures e-Science

e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures e-Science

e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures e-Science

e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures e-Science

e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures e-Science

Open (Fast, Timely) Access to research results: – Crucial for the advancement of science – Reaches the unreached: millions of minds worldwide – Crucial to fully achieve return on investment in research e-Infrastructures are the catalyst: publications, data Large critical mass of users  sustainability! Scientists, publishers, librarians, IT all can contribute We live in a wonderful era of opportunity ! Open Access and e-Infrastructures

e-Infrastructures for Open Access in HEP: No mandates, no debates Accelerate sciences, benefit scientists Born from community needs Critical mass of users (entire community) User pull/technology push balance

A glance into the future

SPIRES: first electronic catalogue SLAC Library,1974: now 750’000 records With Fermilab (US) and DESY (DE) Libraries Electronic catalogue of preprints metadata Updated with publication reference Terminal, interface, 1 st WWW in U.S. Date: Fri, 13 Dec 91 17:55:53 GMT+0100 From: (Tim Berners-Lee) Subject: WWW to SPIRES on SLACVM - Experimental To: There is an experimental W3 server for the SPIRES High energy Physics preprint database, thanks to Terry Hung, Paul Kunz and Louise Addis of SLAC. It's only just been put up, so don't expect perfection. With the w3 line mode browser, follow a link to it from our home page, - Tim Paul Kunz wrote a few days ago:- "The SLAC Library maintainer of SPIRES databases, Louise Addis, is absolutely delighted. She will ask for a permanent VM service machine and finish off the polishing. Things are really moving now.”

Built on a solid tradition

Building INSPIRE (750’000 records – 40 years) Synergy of libraries and IT. Roll out end 1Q 2010 Full-text search. Citations. AuthorID. Community. Bi-directional feeds with arXiv and publishers...and... OA publishing platform, metadata on data, more theses and grey literature, drop-box for old preprints, “attach” non-text material, user generated tags, folksonomy meet ontology,... Powered by Invenio, developed by CERN (as in OpenAIRE*) A step towards data (as per PARSE.Insight* findings) Process information on the GRID (as in D4Science-II*) (*) FP7 e-Infrastructure projects

Enabling science: the semantic reality! Make cross-fertilization a reality (hidden link from article X in discipline Y to article W in discipline Z) Find me a mentor (mine research proposals from young scientists in emerging economies to find collaborators in the ERA) VRE as vibrant communities (people tag and share) Need complete discipline repositories on flexible software with large and engaged user communities

Scientific Information *is* e-Science Scientific information continuum: data -> articles GEANT, HPC and the Grid enable data -> articles e-Infrastructure opportunity for Open Access Enable more Science applying e-Science to articles! e-Librarianship intelligence in the e-Infrastructure Next generation of CERN scientists: our Summer Students

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