Russia Tyler Dickhaus, Georgia Goins, Jeri Fortin, and Sarah Clayton
Political Institutions 83 Federal Subjects that have equal representation, two delegates each 46 oblasts/9 krais- most common, governor plus locally elected legislature – 4 okrugs (autonomous- inside the krais and oblasts, made for ethnic minorities, subordinate federal subject) 21 republics and each has own constitution, each has own official language along w/Russian One autonomous oblast 2 federal cities – Moscow and St. Petersburg – Function as separate regions There are 48 political parties as of 2004 National Bolshevik party often not allowed to participate in elections – Recognized as one of the most sensational parties
Branches of Government Legislative The bicameral Federal Assembly Made of the State Duma, and the Federal Council Adopts federal laws, declares war, approves treaties, and has the power of the purse, and has the power of impeachment, by which it can remove the President Executive The president is the commander-in-chief of the military, can veto legislative bills before they become laws, appoints Cabinet and other officers, administers and enforces federal laws and policies Current leader: Medvedev Judiciary The Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Arbitration, and lower Federal courts, whose judges are appointed by The Federation Council on the recommendation Of the President. They interpret laws and can Overturn laws they deem Unconstitutional
Citizens, society, and the state Russia is located in Northern Asia Main religions in Russia are the Russian Orthodox (catholic) and Muslim Tatar, Ukrainian, Chuvash, Bashkir, Belarusian, Moldavian, other ethnicities make up 18.5% of the population Like America most Russians are white but there are also several other races such as Blacks, Asians, and others who are natives but of other skin colors Racial tension is currently on the rise ( according to centralasia-
Economy (past and recent) Before WWII agriculture ruled the economy Economy begins to fall and then the GOSplan (General Commission On State Planning), and the National Economic Plan are established in 1921 and limit the small trade and allows private agriculture Mid 50’s to early 60’s grains are imported and food shortages stop The five year plans continue and in ‘73 there is a major oil crisis Joint stock companies are legalized (shortages still increase) Military and welfare budgets are cut in ‘93 Gap between poor and rich begins to slowly widen Due to lack of tax revenues the banks collapse 1999 Economy is segmented; heavy industry suffers while natural resources prosper 2003
Political Changes Anti-Fascists marched in central Moscow on Sunday in memory of Ivan Khutorskoy, a leader of the informal Antifa movement who was murdered last Monday Russia and the European Union are becoming partners in reducing pollutions by 20% in 2020 Russia’s current president Dmitry Medvedev just recently delivered his second State of the Nation Address on changing time zones –W–Wants to ease travel and communication PROVI SIONAL GOVERNMENT (PREMIERS) Prince Georgi Lvov 1917–1917 Alexander Kerensky 1917–1917 POLITICAL LEADERS OF USSR Vladimir Ilyich Lenin 1917–1924 Aleksei Rykov 1924–1930 Vyacheslav Molotov 1930–1941 Joseph Stalin –1953 Georgi M. Malenkov 1953–1955 Nikolai A. Bulganin 1955–1958 Nikita S. Khrushchev 1958–1964 Leonid I. Brezhnev 1964–1982 Yuri V. Andropov 1982–1984 Konstantin U. Chernenko 1984–1985 Mikhail S. Gorbachev 1985–1991 PRESIDENTS OF RUSSIA Boris Yeltsin 1991– Vladimir Putin 2000– 1952
The Five Year Plans 1)First Five Year Plan- targeted heavy industry expansion (The Depression didn’t hit Russia) 2)Second Five Year Plan- higher industrial growth (military has absolute power) 3)Third Five Year Plan- Developing materials and weapons for the military 4)Fourth Five Year Plan- restore and surpass prewar levels of productions (food and other essentials are in short supply) There are thirteen “five year plans” and not all lasted five years and these are just examples and only a few THE BLACK BOX ANALYTICAL APPROACH
Public Policy The Russians copied us and made their own Constitution and even has their own Preamble; We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, united by a common fate on our land, establishing human rights and freedoms, civil peace and accord, preserving the historically established State unity, proceeding from universally acknowledged principles of equality and self- determination of peoples, revering the memory of ancestors who have passed on to us their love for the Fatherland and faith in good and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the firmness of its democratic basis, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, proceeding from the responsibility for our Fatherland before present and future generations, recognizing ourselves to be a part of the world community, do hereby adopt THE CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. The Russian Constitution
Sovereignty, Authority, and Power The Monarch completely ruled until October 17 th 1905 Monarch hands over its power to his brother and then he gives it to the temporary Duma committee (1917) Government appointed Prince Lvoff as president There were several transitions in presidency Boris Yeltsin was a communist and a recent president Mikhail Gorbachev a soviet political leader Vladimir Putin last president Council of Ministers-chief executive body; 65 state committees and up to 16 deputy; prime ministers, 17 ministries, 7 federal services and over 30 governmental agencies- maintain authority