Social security
Introduction A man has to face a number of risks right from his birth, such as., - employment injury - industrial disease - disablement - ill health - sickness - maternity or childbirth - old age - burial - widowhood - orphanhood
During these contingencies, it becomes difficult for the person concerned either to work or to obtain work,, The employee who is unable to work, they’ll ultimately expect some sort of help from the employer or government.
The basic Aims & objectives of social security is “ THE CAUSES OF INSECURITY MUST BE REMOVED”
Definition International Labour Office defined “ social security is the security that society furnishes, through appropriate organisation against certain risks to which its members are exposed”.
Professor Hasan defined “ social security may be provided through three main forms, namely 1. social insurance 2. social assistance 3. public service
Social insurance Is used in cases of those contingencies the incidence of which is predictable namely - old age - death - sickness - maternity - work injury
For this, the contributions are made by the insured persons and sometimes by their employers and the government also. The befits are paid as a matter of right on the fulfillment of certain prescribed conditions according to a fixed scale. The benefits are generally related to the contributions and are based on assumed average is provided by the group insured.
Social insurance May be discussed under the following heads - the workmen's compensation act maternity benefits acts - sickness insurance act - ESI act EPF act old age pension act - unemployment insurance act - industrial dispute act 1953 ( for lay off and retrenchment)
social assistance Is provided by the government on the basis of actual existence of need. No previous contributions have to be paid. The existence of need is the only condition irrespective of the causes or circumstances of need. Ex. ( Marriage assistance, educational loan, maternity assistance, family medical assistance)