The Certificates in Autism Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate in Asperger’s Syndrome and HFA Certificate in STAR and FACTER
Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Training to work with students with ASD in early childhood through high school Addresses wide range of competencies necessary for effective educational programming for students with ASD For autism specialists, special & general educators, school psychologists and counselors, speech and language therapists and paraprofessionals
Certificate in ASD Highlights Summer 2011: Pre-requisite course: Sped 410/510 Foundations for Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (3 credits) Fall 2011 – Spring 2012: One course per term Courses taken in sequence Fieldwork component (capstone - tbd) Total credits = Students are required to take courses in sequence.
Certificate in ASD Pre-requisite Foundations for Understanding ASD* Historical and legislative foundations, current cultural, family issues; and the perspectives of individuals with ASD Exploration of the characteristics of ASD through diagnosis, eligibility, program planning and ongoing student evaluation *Also pre-requisite for Certificate in STAR/FACTER
Certificate in ASD Content (draft) Course I (Fall) Identifying Evidence Based Practices Evidence based practices through the use of environmental supports, accommodations and adaptations (ie visual supports, TEACCH, social stories, video modeling, AT/AAC, FBA, tsk analysis, discrete trial, etc.) Course II (Winter) Leadership through Consultation, Advocacy and Ethical Practice (Leadership and Professionalism through effective service coordination and collaboration with service providers and families Leadership through providing person-centered planning and advocacy, consultative strategies to instructional personnel Applying the principles of UDL, RTI and PBIS using evidenced-based instructional strategies across instructional contexts Progress monitoring and Individual program evaluation through consultative action Course III (Spring) Fieldwork and Seminar effective professional development practices at the school and district level Specialization (Literature review) - Eligibility - Transition to adulthood - AS/HFA: Curriculum and Instruction - Advocacy, Family and Community Resources - Scholarly investigation of promising practices)
Certificate in Asperger’s Syndrome & HFA
Certificate in Asperger’s Syndrome and High Functioning Autism (AS/HFA) Learn to improve social, cognitive, behavioral, and academic skills of students with AS/HFA Learn to teach appropriate social skills across contexts Understand how AS/HFA affects behavior, social interaction, learning skills Learn techniques, strategies and environmental modifications to improve success at home, school and in the community For general educators, school psychologists and counselors, special educators, speech and language therapists, reading specialists, autism specialists, paraprofessionals, parents, others on student’s educational team
Certificate in AS/HFA Highlights Fully online program Summer 2011: Pre-requisite course: Sped/ED 410/510 A Different Way of Thinking: Introduction to AS/HFA” Fall 2011 – Spring 2012: One course per term Total credits = 12 Students are encouraged but not required to take courses in sequence.
Certificate in STAR and FACTER
Learn strategies of Applied Behavior Analysis: discrete trail, pivotal response, functional routines through a widely used curriculum STAR content areas include expressive, receptive and spontaneous language, functional routines, pre-academic skills, social interactions and play skills. FACTER addresses the ability to perform typical everyday routines while incorporating essential related skills for living. For Special educators, autism specialists, speech therapists and others who want to increase their expertise in teaching this curriculum or who are working in classrooms that are implementing these programs.
Certificate in STAR/FACTER Highlights One-week/full-day format each summer Pre-requisite: Sped 410/510 Foundations for Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders” Courses offered sequentially Total credits = 12 Students are required to take courses in sequence.
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