Project number: Data and Data Requirements Wouter Los University of Amsterdam
Project number: Environmental Science oceanic and atmospheric processes long-term development of the climate system Biological processes biodiversity development of the cryosphere and lithosphere Earth as a single complex and coupled system 23/10/12 W. Los - EUDAT2
Project number: ESFRI Environmental Research Infrastructures Tropospheric research aircraft COPAL Upgrade of incoherent SCATter facility EISCAT-3D Multidisciplinary seafloor observatory EMSO Plate observing system EPOS Global ocean observing infrastructure EURO- ARGO Aircraft for global observing system IAGOS Integrated carbon observation system ICOS Biodiversity and ecosystem research infra LIFEWATCH Svalbard arctic Earth observing system SIOS 23/10/2012W. Losi - EUDAT3
Project number: EUDAT4
Project number:
29/03/12Pasquale Pagano - EGI CF Radar interference data Gas (CO2 etc) fluxes ∂ (concentration) Gas (CO2 etc) fluxes ∂ (concentration) Areal and satellite observation Species data, distributions, abundance, biomass, etc. Observations, sensor data, collection data, DNA, etc Marine sensors Currents, salinity, deposition, etc Plate tectonics Seismic data, satellite data, sensors, etc
Project number: Goal Enable multidisciplinary scientists to access and study data from multiple domains for “system level” research by providing solutions and guidelines for the RIs common needs Multiple data producers Multiple data consumers 7 23/10/12 W. Los- EUDAT
Project number: Approach discover data which are heterogeneous in format, content, and metadata description harmonise, integrate and analyse data across domains and RIs Promote Accessibility Preserve Specificity 23/10/12W. Los - EUDAT8
Project number: Data infrastructure requirements Integrated data discovery across various catalogues (Near) real-time data handling Federation over infrastructures/services Persistent identifiers mechanism Metadata definition and assignment Attribution / crediting author/ownership Quality control of data Provenance and preservation Archiving vs. regeneration of data and/or results (processed data) Single sign-on, delegated authorisation Running complex models Data staging or moving computation to data 23/10/12W. Los- EUDAT9
Project number: First steps - priority areas Integrated data discovery across various centres / catalogues (near) Real-time data handling Federation over existing (national or international) infrastructures / services 23/10/12W. Los - EUDAT10
Project number: : Integrated data discovery Integrated data discovery across various centres / catalogues The challenge of being able to easily discover data which are heterogeneous (in format, content, and metadata description) and which are stored at different places ENVRI partners ESA, CNR, UvA and CSC are tackling this Does EUDAT see a role to contribute?
Project number: Geospatial Data Services Geospatial Repositories Data Discovery Data Access Data Process OGC OpenSearch Linked Open Data Catalogue Services OGC WCS THREDDS OGC WPS WPS 52N P1P2P.. WPS Hadoop Hadoop Cluster Data Pub. /Vis. OGC WMS, WFS GeoServer gCube Data staging by courtesy of P. Pagano
Project number: : (Near) Real Time Data Handling (near) Real-time data handling The challenge(s) of being able to handle real-time data Challenges include: collecting, storing and cataloguing data as it arrives in real-time from sensors processing data into derived data products in real-time analysing data in real-time It was suggested that EUDAT might take this up
Project number: : Federation Federation over existing (national and international infrastructures / services The challenge of bringing together existing infrastructure components / services as contributions to the construction of an Research Infrastructure The challenge of bringing about interoperability (syntactic and semantic) between separately owned and operated facilities that each contribute to the Research Infrastructure Is EUDAT also interested?
Project number: Data infrastructure requirements Integrated data discovery across various catalogues (Near) real-time data handling Federation over infrastructures/services Persistent identifiers mechanism Metadata definition and assignment Attribution / crediting author/ownership Quality control of data Provenance and preservation Archiving vs. regeneration of data and/or results (processed data) Single sign-on, delegated authorisation Running complex models Data staging or moving computation to data 23/10/12W. Los- EUDAT15
Project number: Need a Common Data Infrastructure Managing the growing amount of data Improving interoperability between infrastructures and across disciplines Promoting collaboration and clarifying roles and responsibilities 23/10/12W. Los- EUDAT16 EUDAT contributions to the ENVRI consortium is welcome!
Project number: Thank you 23/10/2012 W. Los – EUDAT 17