Information Strategy of the University - a Vice President's View Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann Vice President Georg-August-University Göttingen
Outline Initial situation Developments of supply and publication of information Examples: -Electronic information provisioning -Publishing information -Multimedia teaching and learning -Digitization and long-term archiving Technical and organisational consequences of changing requirements Conclusion
Initial situation Information supply is an essential infrastructure factor for -research -education and teaching Information supply as a factor of university competition
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (state and university library) Göttingen Information supply for a full university -Requirements of natural sciences -Requirements of humanities Duties of the state library National and international information supply Completion and maintenance of traditional collections and preservation of the library’s cultural heritage
Library Purchasing Expenditures
Outline Initial situation Developments of supply and publication of information Examples: -Electronic information provisioning -Publishing information -Multimedia teaching and learning -Digitization and long-term archiving Technical and organisational consequences of changing requirements Conclusion
Developments of supply and publication of information E-Only information offerings Concepts of in-house publishing and utilization of print on demand Multimedia offerings Long-term archiving Digitization centres
Outline Initial situation Developments of supply and publication of information Examples: -Electronic information provisioning -Publishing information -Multimedia teaching and learning -Digitization and long-term archiving Technical and organisational consequences of changing requirements Conclusion
Electronic information supply Information portal User Download Print on Demand
Changes in the market for digital scientific journals Tendency towards oligopolies and monopolies on the supply side Rising prices It is necessary to increase market power on the demand side with cooperations
Consequences of electronic information supply Sophisticated billing solutions A multi-level library structure is no longer affordable and required New spatial requirements In-house publishing as a strategic option
Outline Initial situation Developments of supply and publication of information Examples: -Electronic information provisioning -Publishing information -Multimedia teaching and learning -Digitization and long-term archiving Technical and organisational consequences of changing requirements Conclusion
scientific information media neutral & multimedia scientific information media neutral & multimedia - long-term archiving - assuring sustainability texts in media neutral formats images video material provision on the university's publication server by the library - access by internationally compatible metadata - worldwide distribution - added value: cross-linking provision on the university's publication server by the library - access by internationally compatible metadata - worldwide distribution - added value: cross-linking printed traditional publications (books, journals etc.) e-publishing print-on-demand (e.g. ProPrint) Göttingen University publication server SUB WebDoc Server multimedia presentations CD-ROM. Internet presentations (exhibitions, guided tours) production publication E-learning applications course modules, learning platforms, didactic units The Future of Scientific Publishing
A B C a b c ProPrint- DB search research order combi- nation delivery with invoice or pickup and cash payment ProPrint print document server ProPrint-Workflow
media neutral publishing Intranet or Internet and Print on Demand master theses dissertations university publisher teaching material compilations of existing documents learning material university printing ProPrint publications scientific articles by publishing house Intranet, Internet and print The Pyramid of Publication scientific articles from the University
Outline Initial situation Developments of supply and publication of information Examples: -Electronic information provisioning -Publishing information -Multimedia teaching and learning -Digitization and long-term archiving Technical and organisational consequences of changing requirements Conclusion
Multimedia lecture room Transmission of the lecture Autoring on the fly Studio productions with animations
Learning management system Teacher Learning management system Content Management Student
Multimedia service centres Competence development for teaching staff and students Provisioning of the technical infrastructure Media competence for students Advisory services for teaching staff Multimedia production
Outline Initial situation Developments of supply and publication of information Examples: -Electronic information provisioning -Publishing information -Multimedia teaching and learning -Digitization and long-term archiving Technical and organisational consequences of changing requirements Conclusion
Digitization centre Mass digitization of scientific content High quality digitization of historical images and text documents Digitization of existing courseware
Long-term archiving Permanent access to the electronic information Cooperation between libraries and data processing centres Further developments necessary
Long-term archiving Archive systems, back-up-robots, SAN-Infrastructure E.g. LOCKSS Technique E.g. DDB, MPI - Medical data (esp. images) - SAP E.g. research dataPublicationsContent Data backup E.g. DDB, ISN, Humboldt-Uni, IWI and others State of the art meta data formats Standards further project partners BE ITGWDGSUB Server backup Software (e.g. IBM DIAS) Hardware (e.g. Centera)
Outline Initial situation Developments of supply and publication of information Examples: -Electronic information provisioning -Publishing information -Multimedia teaching and learning -Digitization and long-term archiving Technical and organisational consequences of changing requirements Conclusion
applications third party funds researchers confe- rences research data teaching e-learning teachers students seminar- organization e-teaching provision acquisition processing distribution teaching-management-system (TMS) Göttingen Digitization centre (mass-/quality-) digitization long-term archiving PUBLICATION media neutral multimedia customized master theses dissertations teaching material compilations of existing documents learning material publications scientific articles publishers scientific articles University Intranet or Internet and Print on Demand request service result multimedia-service-point in SUB and natural sciences library INTERNET OPAC inventory electronic full texts subito pay-per-view online - interlending V-LIBs Internet- Guides
IT staff university administration BE ITGWDG SUB Medicine University MPG synergies
Comprehensive projects Core competencies Comprehensive projects Core competencies Comprehensive projects Core competencies Special projects Executive board (Mgmt. BE IT, Mgmt. GWDG, Mgmt. SUB) chair man Staff positions Project groups (project manager and members of all service facilities) permanent team structures temporary team structures Steering committee (executive board BHMed, member chair, executive board MPI) Advisory board Gö* Chairman foundation board, Mgmt. MPG, experts of international sites, representatives of the user group Cooperation structures of the information service providers at Göttingen University BE ITSUBGWDG Sub centres, IT staff, departments/teams External participants
Technical and organisational consequences Cooperation of service providers and creation of new organisational structures New spatial requirements, in particular multimedia production and learning centres Changes to the library's business processes New requirements for the employees
Outline Initial situation Developments of supply and publication of information Examples: -Electronic information provisioning -Publishing information -Multimedia teaching and learning -Digitization and long-term archiving Technical and organisational consequences of changing requirements Conclusion