Richard Baraniuk Rice University The Open Education Movement: Transforming the Economics and Ecology of Education
Bonvin, Still Life with Book, Papers and Inkwell, 1876
motivation – 1999 difficult to connect across concepts, courses, grades, curricula –ex: mathematics <> engineering <> technology <> policy –K <> 12 <> college <> graduate school <> lifelong learning difficult to build communities, collaborations among experts, faculty, students –most potential authors shut out –glacial time scales of development and updating high cost and limited access of high-quality textbooks and learning materials
vibrant interactive community connected innovative up-to-date inexpensive create rip mix burn
vibrant interactive community connected innovative up-to-date inexpensive
>>> book shelf closed $ slow page [XML modules] interconnected global repository open source [Creative Commons license] free fast 1. liberate course materials
Connexions repository
textbook / course
personalized courses
reuse materials
author retains their copyright but opens access via open license
2. invite participation 日本語 english Українська hausa français español لعربية inclusive communities grassroots networks organizations தமிழ
textbook pipeline authoring editing quality control publishing distribution
open education ecosystem authoring editing quality control publishing distribution feedback peers users learning
open access movement
create rip mix burn anyone can become an author…
create stanford illinois michigan wisconsin berkeley ohio state ga tech utep rice cambridge norway italy
create Catherine Schmidt-Jones 9 million page views to date many by US teachers and faculty but also Mongolia…
create Sunil Kumar Singh
create rip mix burn anyone can translate, customize, …
rip Univ. Texas-El Paso
create rip mix burn assemble a customized course, …
create rip mix burn anyone can print their own textbook
print customized textbooks modular authored by community continuously updated personalized on assembly published on demand low cost ex: 600-page textbook for $31, not $131 sustainability revenue print partner:
long tail publishing publish on demand changes the economics of publishing disintermediation “Craig’s List-ization” long tail $ Harry Potter Connexions
Connexions’ growth Usage in October million users 45 million hits from 200 countries 380+ textbooks/courses/collections Lego modules (October 2008) 4000 in Science, Technology, Mathematics 3000 in Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, Business from authors worldwide in English, Spanish, French, German Italian, Portuguese, Finnish Chinese, Japanese, Thai Vietnamese …
the road create rip mix burn
increasing openness transparency
radiohead: in rainbows
adding value “there’s plenty of room at the bottom” publishers as redhat’s adding value to open materials
print on demand
university presses closed, downsized, restructured Rice University Press (closed – 1996) University of Idaho Press (closed) Northeastern University Press (closed) University of Georgia Press (downsized) University of Iowa Press (downsized) University of Washington Press (downsized) Texas Tech University Press (downsized) Stanford University Press (restructured) University of Michigan Press (restructured)
rice university press Rice University Press reopened and reinvented as all digital press within Connexions (2007) RUP collaborations/joint publications –Stanford University Press –Smithsonian Press –Long Tail Press –Mellon Foundation –Hewlett Foundation
$10 + shipping
CCOTP Foothill-De Anza Community College Siyavula
marthapedia “If you know how to take red wine out of a white cloth napkin better than I do, then that’s good to know. We’ll be editing user content and it won’t be as freewheeling as Wikipedia. You really have to monitor this.” [Wired August 2007]
quality create rip mix burn
quality control must be scalable peer review exclusive community inclusive
lenses social software for quality control inspiration: johnDoe coming soon:
for-profit lens
dangers fragmentation due to incompatible IP technology
you! create rip mix burn
get involved! adopt an open textbook for your course mix your own customized textbook contribute your knowledge to the commons educate your colleagues re open access
create rip mix burn Richard Baraniuk Joel Thierstein