Francisco de Goya By: Marissa Soto
Birth/Death Francisco de Goya was born March 30, 1746 in Fuendetodos, Spain. On April 16, 1828 Goya suffered a massive stroke and died at the age of 82.
Where he lived. He was born in Fuendetodos, Spain and then moved to Saragossa. He then moved to a secluded area outside of Madrid. A few years after that he settled in Bordeaux and continued to work there.
Info about world during artist’s lifetime. He was alive during the time Napoleon invaded Spain in His work became a testament to the horror of war. Spanish enlightenment- new bourbon dynasty came about.
3 major events. He was struck with a mysterious illness that left him completely deaf. His wife had several children who did not reach adulthood. Only one of their sons survived. He covered the walls of his home with “Black Paintings”- vivid depictions of witchcraft and other dark matter.
Self Portrait To the right is a self portrait of Francisco De Goya. bums/classic- f/Francisco-de-Goya /GOYA-y- Lucientes-Francisco- De-Self-Portrait.jpg
Example of art #1 m/A55A04/w.nsf/OPR A/BRUE- 6E3T77/$File/Francis co%2Bde%2BGoya% 2B- %2BMaria%2BTeresa %2Bde%2BBorb%2B n%2By%2BVallabriga %2B.JPG
Example of art #2 gurl= mg/Francisco_de_Goya_GOF010. jpg&imgrefurl= number%3D57%26p%3D%26num ber%3DGOF010&usg=__TXIn4qf ybo0SYdscwm3ti0Ej8hc=&h=700 &w=525&sz=96&hl=en&start=2&z oom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=H5R r1BWtl5X3eM:&tbnh=140&tbnw=1 05&prev=/images%3Fq%3DFranci sco%2BDe%2BGoya%2BPainting s%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26s afe%3Dactive%26rlz%3D1W1AD SA_en%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=VO1 0TcW-H5D3gAfq1ZRR
Example of art #3 on- ancisco_jose_de_goy a/francisco_josef_de_ goya_der_sonnenschi rm.jpg
Example of art #4 wm/paint/auth/goya/g oya.shootings jpg
Example of art #5 0/11303-charles-iv- and-his-family- francisco-de-goya-y- lucientes.jpg
Example of art #6 ond%20of%20May% %20at%20the %20Puerta%20del%2 0Sol%20Francisco%2 0de%20Goya.jpg
Example of art #7 /files/spainish.jpg
Example of art #8 regular/DT822.jpg
Example of art #9 m/images/artmis32/go ya80.jpg
Example of art #10 mber122008/the- witches-sabbah.jpg