The English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) MODULE 1 Introduction to the ELPS Presented by the Brownsville Independent School District Bilingual Department Reference: Texas Education Agency and Region One Education Service Center This training was developed with existing Texas Education Agency sponsored trainings developed by Education Service Centers, Region 2, Region 4, Region 1 and trainings by the TEA Assessment Division on TELPAS-Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System along with the LEP Instructional Excellence Center: Project Tesoro at Region One Education Service Center. Funding was provided by the TEA School Initiatives. This training was also developed in response to the need for understanding the Required Curriculum as stated and adopted in December 2007.
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Statutory Requirement Newly approved 19 Texas Administrative Code §74.4 Chapter 74. Curriculum Requirements Subchapter A. Required Curriculum §74.4 English Language Proficiency Standards Adopted December, 2007 This required curriculum goes into effect in the school year 2008-2009. In the spring of 2006, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) received a visit from the U.S. Department of Education to examine the progress made with regards to the implementation of requirements related to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). During that visit, it was found that although the state had English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) well in place, there needed to be a more clear connection between the ELPS, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) so that teachers would have a more clear vision as to how they can assist English language learners (ELLs) in their respective curriculum areas to learn and master their subject matter and learn English, be better prepared to participate in statewide assessments, and make adequate yearly progress through implementation of the ELPS. Recommendations were made, and TEA began the process of implementing them, including the provision of this session and others yet to come. (Source: Region 2 training prototype for administrators)
Introduction to the ELPS The State Board of Education approved revised TEKS for addressing the second language acquisition needs of ELLs (English Language Learners). The revised TEKS are called English Language Proficiency (ELPS) Standards. The ELP standards require all teachers to provide instruction to ELLs in listening, speaking, reading, and writing second language acquisition skills to the ELLs in their classes.
Introduction to the ELPS ELPS is part of a required curriculum §74.4 ELPS ELLs need to know social and academic language ELPS integrate second language acquisition with content area instruction (math, science, social studies, etc.) for all language skills ELLs must read, write, listen and speak with increasing complexity ELPS SEs apply K-12
Why the ELPS? . . . The Big Ideas ELL’s benefit from content area instruction that is accommodated to their need for comprehensible input. (Krashen, 1983); Echevarria, Vogt, and Short, 2008) ELL’s benefit from academic language instruction integrated into content area instruction. (Crandall, 1987; Snow et. al, 1989) ELL’s benefit from programs that hold high expectations for students for academic success. (Collier, 1992; Lucas et. al. 1990; Samway & McKeon, 2007) Language proficiency standards provide a common framework for integrating language and content instruction for English learners. (Short, 2000) Source: Navigating the ELPS (Seidlitz, 2008) Activity: Refer to p. 14 of Navigating the ELPS book. Have participants glance at the 4 reasons and put their finger on the one that they think is most significant. Have them share their answers with others at their table. End result: all the bullets are significant and research supports that ELLs need both academic language and content area instruction with linguistic accommodations. Source: Navigating the ELPS (Seidlitz, 2008)
ELPS Domains Five ELPS Domains Learning Strategies Listening Speaking Reading Writing
ELPS Connections TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors Assessments Beginning Intermediate Advanced Advanced High Assessments Curriculum Requirements CSCOPE Sheltered Instruction ESL State Adopted Materials
Resources MODULE 1: Introduction to the ELPS MODULE 2: ELPS and Assessments CPALLS TPRI/TEJAS LEE APRENDA/STANFORD 10 STAAR STAAR L STAAR-M STAAR-ALT TELPAS: Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment SELP: Stanford English Language Proficiency Assessment
Resources MODULE 3: ELPS and Language Proficiency ELPS Domains ELPS Foldable ELPS Poster Second Language Acquisition Background Key Features of Proficiency Levels
Resources MODULE 4: ELPS and Effective Teaching Strategies Sheltered Instruction CSCOPE 5 E Model IFDs include ELPS Domains ESL State Adopted Materials ESL Teaching Strategies
Resources ELPS Toolkit 5E Model Connections Chart ELAR/SLAR/CCRS Training
Chapter 74.4. English Language Proficiency Standards (a) Introduction (1) The English language proficiency standards in this section outline English language proficiency level descriptors and student expectations for English language learners (ELLs). School districts shall implement this section as an integral part of each subject in the required curriculum. The English language proficiency standards are to be published along with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for each subject in the required curriculum. TEA Source: Newly Adopted Required Curriculum, adopted on December 25, 2007. The newly approved 19 TAC §74.4, English Language Proficiency Standards, presents the ELPS that outline the instruction school districts must provide to English language learners in order for them to have the full opportunity to learn English and to succeed academically. The rule also clarifies that the ELPS are to be implemented as an integral part of the instruction in each foundation and enrichment subject of the TEKS. The approved rule that revised the ESL TEKS and created the ELPS instead was adopted in 19 TAC Chapter 74 this is necessary to comply with No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Title III requirements. STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Texas Education Code (TEC), §§7.102(c)(4), 28.002, and 29.051. *To learn English *To succeed academically, and *To be implemented in each foundation & enrichment subject (TEKS).
E.L.P.S. (2) In order for ELLs to be successful, they must acquire both social and academic language proficiency in English. Social language proficiency in English consists of the English needed for daily social interactions. Academic language proficiency consists of the English needed to think critically, understand and learn new concepts, process complex academic material, and interact and communicate in English academic settings. Social and academic language proficiency in English. Social Language-English needed for daily social interactions. Academic Language- English needed to think critically, understand and learn new concepts, process complex academic material and communicate in English academic settings. This last one is the language of each discipline: science, mathematics, social studies, and language arts.
E.L.P.S. (3) Classroom instruction that effectively integrates second language acquisition with quality content area instruction ensures that ELLs acquire social and academic language proficiency in English, learn the knowledge and skills in the TEKS, and reach their full academic potential. As students develop their second language, they learn cognitive processes, and are academically successful.
E.L.P.S. (b) School district responsibilities. In fulfilling the requirements of this section, school districts shall: (1) identify the student's English language proficiency levels in the domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in accordance with the proficiency level descriptors for the beginning, intermediate, advanced, and advanced high levels delineated in subsection (d) of this section; How do we identify the student’s English language proficiency level? Through TELPAS– TELPAS listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
E.L.P.S. (2) provide instruction in the knowledge and skills of the foundation and enrichment curriculum in a manner that is linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student's levels of English language proficiency to ensure that the student learns the knowledge and skills in the required curriculum; (3) provide content-based instruction including the cross-curricular second language acquisition essential knowledge and skills in subsection (c) of this section in a manner that is linguistically accommodated to help the student acquire English language proficiency; and Communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded at the students’ proficiency levels. Using sheltered instruction teachers can make linguistic accommodations.
E.L.P.S. (4) provide intensive and ongoing foundational second language acquisition instruction to ELLs in Grade 3 or higher who are at the beginning or intermediate level of English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and/or writing as determined by the state's English language proficiency assessment system. These ELLs require focused, targeted, and systematic second language acquisition instruction to provide them with the foundation of English language vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and English mechanics necessary to support content-based instruction and accelerated learning of English. Important! Grade 3 is crucial-testing year! Beginning and Intermediate levels at 3rd grade level and beyond must have intensive and ongoing second language acquisition instruction. Instruction must be: Focused Targeted Systematic What does this look like?
Cross-curricular Essential Knowledge and Skills (c) Cross-curricular second language acquisition essential knowledge and skills. (1) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/learning strategies. The ELL uses language learning strategies to develop an awareness of his or her own learning processes in all content areas. In order for the ELL to meet grade-level learning expectations across the foundation and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student's level of English language proficiency.
Cross-curricular Essential Knowledge and Skills LEARNING STRATEGIES DOMAIN The student is expected to: (A) use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English; (B) monitor oral and written language production and employ self-corrective techniques or other resources; (C) use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing, contrasting, and reviewing to acquire basic and grade-level vocabulary; (D) speak using learning strategies such as requesting assistance, employing non-verbal cues, and using synonyms and circumlocution (conveying ideas by defining or describing when exact English words are not known); Learning Strategies: Use prior knowledge Monitor oral and written language production, use self-corrective techniques. Concept mapping, comparing, contrasting Requesting assistance, non-verbal cues, synonyms, and circumlocution-arriving at ideas by describing them when exact words in English are unknown. Formal and informal English Reasoning,- inductively or deductively, looking for patterns in language, etc.
Cross-curricular Essential Knowledge and Skills (E) internalize new basic and academic language by using and reusing it in meaningful ways in speaking and writing activities that build concept and language attainment; (F) use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process; (G) demonstrate an increasing ability to distinguish between formal and informal English and an increasing knowledge of when to use each one commensurate with grade-level learning expectations; and (H) develop and expand repertoire of learning strategies such as reasoning inductively or deductively, looking for patterns in language, and analyzing sayings and expressions commensurate with grade-level learning expectations. Total student expectations 8 These learning strategies should be taught as part of the lesson in a daily basis to ensure that students will become skilled to use them appropriately.
Cross-curricular Language Domains Cross-curricular second language acquisition/listening. (9 SE A-I) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking. (10 SE A-J) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/reading. (11 SE A-K) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/writing. (7 SE A-G) Refer participants to the actual document and go over the student expectations for each language domain
TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors and ELPS Connection per Domain Beginning - Have little or no ability to understand spoken English in academic and social settings Intermediate - Have the ability to understand simple, high-frequency spoken English used in routine academic and social settings Advanced - Have the ability to understand, with second language acquisition support, grade-appropriate spoken English used in academic and social settings. Advanced High - Have the ability to understand, with minimal second language acquisition support, grade-appropriate spoken English used in academic and social settings
Questions? CONTACT INFORMATION: Bilingual Director: Alma Cardenas Rubio 548-8271 Lead Teachers Maricela Camarillo 698-3195 Norma Lopez 698-1326 Pat Segura 698-0083 Dr. Paty Quesada 698-0081