L.Chen A Chain Iterator Class A Chain Iterator Class ( 遍历器类 ) An iterator permits you to examine the elements of a data structure one at a time. Suppose for a moment that Output( ) is not a member function of Chain and that << is not overloaded for this class.
L.Chen3 A Chain Iterator Class int len = x.length( ); for ( int i=1; i<=len; i++) { x.find(i,x);Cout<< x<< ‘‘ ;} the complexity of this code is Θ ( n 2 ), the Output() is Θ( n) An iterator records the current position and advance one position right each time.
L.Chen4 Program 3.18 Chain iterator class template class ChainIterator{ public: T* Initialize (const Chain & c) { location = c.first; if (location) return &location->data; return 0; } T* Next ( ) { if (!location) return 0; location = location->link; if (location) return &location->data; return 0; } private: ChainNode *location; };
L.Chen5 Program 3.19 Outputting the integer chain X using a chain iterator int *x; ChainIterator c; x = c.Initialize(X); while (x) { cout << *x << ' '; x = c.Next();} cout << endl;
L.Chen Circular List Representation a chain is simplified and made to run faster by doing one or both of the following: 1) represent the linear list as a singly linked circular list (circular list) 2) add an additional node, called the head node at the front.
L.Chen7 Comparing Difference: head pointer ; head node
L.Chen8 Circular List abcde firstNode
Program 3.20 Searching a circular linked list with head node template int CircularList : : Search(const T& x) const { // Locate x in a circular list with head node. ChainNode *current = first->link; int index = 1; // index of current first->data = x; // put x in head node // search for x while (current->data != x) { current = current->link; index++; } // are we at head? return ((current == first) ? 0 : index); }
L.Chen Comparison with Formula-Based Representation formula-based representation: Continuous space; It is easy to search an element. The procedures for insertion and deletion are more complex. Time Complexity to access kth element is Θ(1) Chain and circular list representation: The run time of the Insert and delete from a linear list will be smaller than the formula-based representation. Time Complexity to access kth element is O( k ).
L.Chen Doubly Linked List Representation 为什么要引入双向链表? 在单链表中,寻找下一个元素时间复杂度为 O(1), 寻找上一个元素时间复杂度为 O(n) 。为了 克服单链表的缺点,引入双链表。
L.Chen12 链表的具体结构 A doubly linked list is an ordered sequence of nodes in which each node has two pointers: left pointer ( 前趋 ) and right pointer (后继). 优点:可以向前、向后访问,效率高。 缺点:需要更多的空间,结构更复杂。
L.Chen13 Doubly Linked List abcde null firstNode null lastNode
L.Chen14 Doubly Linked Circular List abcde firstNode
L.Chen15 Doubly Linked Circular List With Header Node abce headerNode d
L.Chen16 Empty Doubly Linked Circular List With Header Node headerNode
L.Chen17 Circular Doubly Linked List ( 双向循环链表 ) a) Nodeb) Null List c) Circular Doubly Linked List L D R
template class DoubleNode{ friend Double ; private: T data; DoubleNode *left, *right; }; template class Double{ public: Double() { LeftEnd=RightEnd=0; }; ~Double(); int Length()const; bool Find (int k, T& x) const ; int Search (const T& x) const ; Double & Delete (int k, T& x); Double & Insert (int k, const T& x); void Output (ostream& out) const ; private : DoubleNode *LeftEnd, *RightEnd; }; Program 3.21 Class definition for doubly linked lists
L.Chen19 (1) (2) Delete (k) 删除第 k 个元素 e = p->data; p->prior->next = p->next; p->next->prior = p->prior; = k
L.Chen20 insert (k, x) 在第 k 个元素之前插入 x (1) (2) (3) (4) s->data =x; s->prior =p->prior; p->prior->next = s; s->prior =p; p->prior = s; S = k
L.Chen Summary Chain Singly linked circular list Head node Doubly linked list Circular doubly linked list
L.Chen Indirect Addressing Representation 间接寻址的定义、引入的目的。 如何实现间接寻址?
L.Chen23 template class IndirectList{ public: IndirectList(int MaxListSize=10); ~IndirectList( ); bool IsEmpty( )const {return length==0;} int Length( )const {return length;} bool Find(int k,T& x) const ; int Search(const T& x) const ; IndirectList & Delete(int k, T& x); IndirectList & Insert(int k, const T& x); void Output(ostream& out) const ; private:T **table; // 1D array of T pointers int length, MaxSize; }; Program 3.22 Class definition for an indirectly addressed list
L.Chen Operations template IndirectList :: indirectList (int MaxListSize) { MaxSize = MaxListSize; table = new T *[MaxSize]; length = 0; } template IndirectList :: ~indirectList( ) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) delete table[i]; delete [ ] table; } Program 3.23 Constructor and destructor for indirect addressing
L.Chen25 template bool IndirectList ::Find(int k, T& x) const { if (k length) return false; x = *table[k - 1]; return true; } Program 3.24 Find operation for indirect lists
L.Chen26 template IndirectList & IndirectList ::Delete(int k,T& x) { if (Find(k, x)) { for (int i = k; i < length; i++) table[i-1] = table[i]; length--; return *this ; } else throw OutOfBounds( ); } Program 3.25 Deletion from an indirect list
L.Chen28 template IndirectList & IndirectList ::Insert(int k, const T& x) { if (k length) throw OutOfBounds(); if (length == MaxSize) throw NoMem( ); for (int i = length-1; i >= k; i--) table[i+1] = table[i]; table[k] = new T; *table[k] = x; length++; return *this ; } Program 3.26 Insertion into an indirectly addressed list
L.Chen Simulating Pointers
L.Chen30 Simulated-Pointer Memory Layout Data structure memory is an array, and each array position has an element field (type Object) and a next field (type int). caedb
L.Chen31 Node Representation package dataStructures; class SimulatedNode { // package visible data members Object element; int next; // constructors not shown }
How It All Looks 14 caedb caedb firstNode = 4 next element
L.Chen33 Still Drawn The Same abcde firstNode
L.Chen34 Marking Unmark all nodes (set all mark bits to false). Start at each program variable that contains a reference, follow all pointers, mark nodes that are reached. caedb firstNode
L.Chen35 Marking caedb firstNode caede Repeat for all reference variables. Start at firstNode and mark all nodes reachable from firstNode.
L.Chen36 Compaction Move all marked nodes (i.e., nodes in use) to one end of memory, updating all pointers as necessary. cbedb firstNode aed Free Memory
L.Chen37 Simulated Pointers Can allocate a chain of nodes without having to relink. Can free a chain of nodes in O(1) time when first and last nodes of chain are known.
L.Chen A Comparison
L.Chen39 Exercises Chapter3 Ex27; Ex31; Ex34; Ex37; Ex53