PEARSON AT A GLANCE Pearson Group Pearson is an international media company with world-leading businesses in education, business information and consumer publishing. Pearson is the world’s leading learning company, educating and helping people learn throughout their lives. Whether pre-school to high school, early learning to professional certification, Pearson’s textbooks, multimedia learning tools, institutions and testing programmes help to educate more than 100 million people worldwide – more than any other enterprise Chief Executive (PI) John Fallon Chief Executive (NA) Will Ethridge Financial Times Group, one of the world’s leading business information companies, provides a broad range of business information and multimedia services to the growing audience of internationally-minded business people Chief Executive: Rhona Fairhead The world famous Penguin brand is the label of quality from novels and classics to cookbooks and much much more – all around the world. Publishing an unrivalled range of fiction and non-fiction, bestsellers and classics, childrens books and illustrated reference treasure chests in over 100 countries Chief Executive: John Makinson Some info to share if you choose: EDUCATION We are a leading provider of educational material and learning technologies. We provide test development, processing and scoring services to educational institutions, corporations and professional bodies around the world. We publish across the curriculum under a range of respected imprints including: Scott Foresman, Prentice Hall, Addison-Wesley, Allyn and Bacon, Benjamin Cummings and Longman. FT FT Publishing includes: the Financial Times and; a range of specialist financial magazines and online services; and Mergermarket. The FT Group also has a stake in a number of joint ventures, including those with FTSE International, Vedomosti in Russia, BDFM in South Africa and a 50% stake in The Economist Group PENGUIN Penguin operates around the world through a series of connected national publishing houses. It publishes under a number of well-known imprints including Putnam, Viking, Allen Lane, Hamish Hamilton, Berkley, the Penguin Press, Puffin and Dorling Kindersley
LEC (China Language Schools) PEARSON INTERNATIONAL Growing the family 2003 2004 2008 2005 2007 2006 2009 LEC (China Language Schools) Dell English 2010 2011 Much of our growth was thanks to our expansion through acquisitions and expanding markets which continued through 2010. As I am sure you have seen we have recently acquired “Tutor Vista” in Bangalore. Traditionally Pearson is a company which has grown through acquisition & hard work There has been phenomenal growth in the last 8 years - Pearson is today the largest education company in the world and over 70% of Pearson’s revenue comes from education This slides illustrates just the last 8 years and some of the companies that have become part of the Pearson group - most of them strong brands in their own rights
PEARSON INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY Taking a more active role in teaching to deliver measurable progress The leader in technology to improve learning The global benchmark for measuring student progress We have four overarching strategies The following slides will give you a flavour or the kind of activities we undertake across our markets, to meet these strategies. 4
What is it? So, first up...what is it?
MyGrammarLab is absolutely unique, with its blend of book, online and mobile resources. Although this book has many unique features, which we will come to in a minute, you won’t sell this product on the basis of the print USPs alone. We know this. You are selling the package: book, online and mobile. This is the solution. Book + Online + Mobile
And a quick look at the levels: This 3 level series takes learners from elementary, through Intermediate, to advanced grammar. Each level is benchmarked against the Common European Framework and provides grammar practice for Cambridge ESOL exams. 3 levels: Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced A1 to C2 15 hours of exams practice in each level: KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS Authors: Diane Hall and Mark Foley (Total English) The series is in British English. However, the British English distinction becomes less important, given the unique configuration of the book.
The global benchmark for measuring student progress 3 8
A good example of this is the Test of English… Governments, regulators, parents and students need to know that exam standards are being maintained. We want to play our part across the world in accurately measuring and maintaining those standards. But we also want to use the data within our testing regimes to help the student identify where they need to improve, so that they can focus on that area and get better results more quickly. A good example of this is the Test of English… We have now developed a new model of assessment with the Pearson Test of English which allows students to take mock tests and identify the areas where they need to do more work ahead of the final exam. PTE is recognised in 31 countries including Spain. 2130 recogonising programmes and 161 test centres world wide. 9
We believe in learning – all kinds of learning for all kinds of people, delivered in a personal style. Because wherever learning flourishes, so do people. The brand positioning is a statement that serves to clarify what we’re about. This is the idea that drives our business, and should inform everything we do and say. In a nutshell, the statement that to us best captured this idea was: We believe in learning – all kinds of learning for all kinds of people, delivered in a personal style. Because wherever learning flourishes, so do people. 10
Pearson Senior ELT Consultant THANK YOU! Liudmila Komkova Pearson Senior ELT Consultant mob.8903 202 04 52