OISTAT EduComm 2013 Cardiff In addition to official Oistat rules, and recommendations: How to organise a meeting, some Do´s and Don´t´s and even Pros and Cons
This is NOT not how to organise WSD and Scenofest and Oistat commission meetings simultaneously.!
Some headlines and deep thoughts Start planning at least two years prior meeting.
Some headlines and deep thoughts Start planning at least two years prior meeting. Keep good communication level with the chair of the commission and Oistat HQ
Some headlines and deep thoughts Start planning at least two years prior meeting. Keep good communication level with the chair of the commission and Oistat HQ ”Milk” all possible grants, do research of all available funding. Expand, do not´t be to specific and narrow
Some headlines and deep thoughts Start planning at least two years prior meeting. Keep good communication level with the chair of the commission and Oistat HQ ”Milk” all possible grants, do research of all available funding. Expand, not´t be specific and narrow Hook up schools early enough with the project. Schedules (in programs) are not as flexible as they were back then
Some headlines and deep thoughts Delegate as much as possible, the key- organisators will get surprisingly big load of pressure during the conference
Some headlines and deep thoughts Delegate as much as possible, key- organisators will get surprisingly big load of pressure during the conference Create a clear organisation structure. No matter how much "flow" you like to have in the process, at the end ”they” will know who is (was) in charge...
Some headlines and deep thoughts Delegate as much as possible, key-organisators will get surprisingly big load of pressure during the conference Create a clear organisation structure. No matter how much "flow" you like to have in the process, at the end ”they” will know who is (was) in charge... Find students from programs like Art Administration, Producing etc and make this congress extremely attractive for them to work for
Some headlines and deep thoughts Pay some credits for the ”volunteering” students, or make this as a part of their studies, what ever compensation is always a benefit
Some headlines and deep thoughts Pay some credits for the ”volunteering” students, or make this as a part of their studies, what ever compensation is always a benefit Early enough, start boasting about the international importance of the event
Some headlines and deep thoughts Pay some credits for the ”volunteering” students, or make this as a part of their studies, what ever compensation is always a benefit Early enough, start boasting about the international importance of the event Do the hotel booking early enough, finding reasonable accommodation (at peak season) for people can be very challenging.
Some headlines and deep thoughts Pay some credits for the ”volunteering” students, or make this as a part of their studies, what ever compensation is always a benefit Early enough, start boasting about the international importance of the event Do the hotel booking early enough, finding reasonable accommodation (at peak season) for people can be very challenging. Plan the logistics carefully. If logistics fail, it all comes down. Schedules, drinks, nutrition, social gatherings, program, evening activities...
Some headlines and deep thoughts Time of the year, when to organise. Overall Cultural program could be active during the meeting Travel planning. Nothing is more important than smoothly running Exel sheets. Who does? Optional simultaneus program for avecs and entourage … Organise tours to theatres and venues
Some headlines and deep thoughts Program: national and/or international. Think about local presentations well in advance, to get an interesting, versatile catering. Key notes should be international aswell. Local speakers should be selected by topic and level of interest, but of course rectors, politicians and mayors should have their share of spotlights. Keep balance with official program and real content, and side offers…
Some headlines and deep thoughts Exhibitions, student and/or professional, may take some time to organise, curate, and set up. Who will be the curator? Posters and flyers, web-site, SoMe (F-book, Twiit, blogs)... who will administrate? A Designated person in charge. Documentation of the conference important. Group photos. MP3 recording for the secretary/Minutes in commission meetings.
Some headlines and deep thoughts Exhibitions, student and/or professional, may take some time to organise, curate, and set up. Who will be the curator? Posters and flyers, web-site, SoMe (F-book, Twiit, blogs)... who will administrate? A Designated person in charge. Documentation of the conference important. Group photos. MP3 recording for the secretary/Minutes in commission meetings. Important numbers, addresses, INFO -desk (manned), registration, full-time flowing coffee and tea, snacks.. Lunch –issue. On-site delivered by local restaurant, or a good local restaurant nearby. For those who has meal included, fix a ”systema”. Most important: remember individual diets.
Some headlines and deep thoughts...well, like said, just a few ”deep” thoughts. If you have any time, smash me a rebound, and I continue as much as I am capable. And perhaps we can share a bit more edited, better and deeper version with all our collaques.
Contact: University of the Arts Helsinki The Theatre Academy