HISTORY OF COLONIZATION Originally grew due to gold trade European countries fought for control of it -England won England exploited its resources and people
APARTHEID IN S. AFRICA Means “apart-hood,” to be separated -segregated whites from all non-whites -became official in 1948 Based on racism Kept South Africa's white minority in power -the best farm land, natural resources Denied rights to non-whites
APARTHEID IN S. AFRICA, CON’T Ethnic groups in white (15%), “colored” (8.5%), Indian (2.5%), native black (74%) Created separate “homelands” for each group in S. Africa -illegal to live/own land in a different one Purple = Black homelands
UNDER APARTHEID Blacks received: -the worst land -the worst jobs -the worst housing -the worst schools Blacks denied basic civil rights -couldn’t vote -couldn’t move about freely
PROTESTING APARTHEID African National Congress -Nelson Mandela Government imprisoned / “silenced” all opposition
THE END OF APARTHEID Ended in foreign nations imposed economic sanctions S. Africa adopted a new constitution protecting EVERYONE’S rights Nelson Mandela elected President of S. Africa (1994)
LASTING EFFECTS OF APARTHEID Mass of poor, uneducated blacks Few job opportunities for blacks Two distinct societies in S. Africa Black shantytowns -housing shortage too