28 July 2011 Las Vegas-ADCOM 1 International Conference Liaison Patrick Le Dû (CEA and IN2P3/CNRS) A short review of ANIMMA and ICALEPCS More complete the Valencia ADCOM
28 July 2011 Las Vegas-ADCOM –NSS-MIC - Valencia (Spain) –ICALEPCS - –ICALEPCS - Grenoble (France) October –ANIMMA - Gent (Belgium) June –SCINT - –SCINT - Giessen (Germany) September –RADECS - –RADECS - Sevilla (Spain) september2012 –ICOPS - Edimburg (UK) –Megagauss - Karlsrhue (Germany) –EML - Beijing (China) –RADECS – Biarritz (France) 2013 –NSS-MIC - Seoul (Korea) –ANIMMA - Marseille (France) --> Confirmed –RADECS - Sardaigna (Italy) TBC 2014 –RTC - Kyoto/Nara (Japan) under investigation ! –NSREC/RADECS - Paris (France) Future ‘Transnational’ Conferences *Technically Co-sponsored This report
28 July 2011 Las Vegas-ADCOM 3 ANIMMA 2011 (Belgium) - June 6-9th ANIMMA 2011 Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications Gent (Belgium) - June 6-9th Interdisciplinary conference : 226 accepted submissions –193 presented –299 participants 85 % Europe (France + Belgium = 55%) 10% North America 5% Asia, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, India …. Exhibitors : 16 New this year : –One day short courses –Intensive oral sessions --> replace POSTER sessions IEEE ANIMMA (MOU signed) –Stand in middle of exhibit - March Newsletters and NPSS new brochure distributed –Proceeding table : Dora Merelli –Transaction : Ch.Ilgner
28 July 2011 Las Vegas-ADCOM 4 ANIMMA 2011 Program Session type ORAL‘Intensive’ Plenary5- Measurement and Detection Methods in Nuclear and Particle Physics 639 Measurement and Detection Methods in Fusion and Plasma Sciences 58 Instrumentation and Measurement Methods for Nuclear Reactors 638 Instrumentation and Measurement Methods for Nuclear Fuel Cycle 415 Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurement Methods for Safety and Security 332 Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurements for Environmentals Applications 111 Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurements for Health Applications 317 TOTAL33160
28 July 2011 Las Vegas-ADCOM 5 ANIMMA 2011 INTERESTINGLY, Posters replaced by ‘Oral Intensive’ Sessions ie a lot of small side sessions - quite sucessful -
28 July 2011 Las Vegas-ADCOM 6 ANIMMA 2011 ‘Intensive Orals’ Idea imported from some european medical congress –Active presentations replace ‘ poster sessions ’ Large A0 flat panel touch screen monitor (up to 7 in paralllel lounges) –with WiFi preloaded Powerpoint presentations database –15 seats for the audience –15’ + 5’minutes per presentation/discussion 29 sessions in total with 3 to 4 presentation each Possibility of ‘replay’ sessions & have free access Conclusion of this first experience: –Very well attended with lively discussions - sometime overcrowded –Participants like it even if the screen was too small and the layout of the sessions lounges not fully adequat (some interferences between sessions in the same large room)
28 July 2011 Las Vegas-ADCOM 7 ICALEPCS 13th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Control Systems Grenoble (Fr) October (summary of the ISAC meeting may 2011) Received 481 abstracts (30 countries, 132 institutes) –25% from CERN ! -Same number as in 2009 in Kobe (480 participants) -Space problem : Congress center limited to 450 participants ! Paper selection and Program –Selection during the meeting by two conveners/tracks No referees ! NO rejection! Some merge ! Proceedings published using the JACoW (SPMS) tools and site – Selection of 107 ORAL presentations The rest as POSTERS –New ! Some limited number of ‘mini Oral’ (44 selected) - like the Real Time Conference !) - 3 minutes/3 slides