Police and Crime Commissioners: Project 5a communications update PCC Transition Overall Project 5 Board 25 July
Home Office national marketing campaign It has been confirmed that the Home Office will run a paid-for advertising campaign in order drive mass awareness and understanding of the role of the PCC. Objectives To raise awareness and understanding of PCCs in the context of public service reform. This includes: –increasing public understanding of PCCs and their role; –increasing public interest and participation in holding police forces to account via their PCC; and –directing people online/to a call centre for further information. Media: TV, radio, press, online, search and potentially outdoor. Timing –Testing debrief: 26 July –Submission of proposed campaign creative w/c 6 Aug with sign off within the week. –Project 5a meeting 16 Aug: share final concept and discuss development support materials –Over summer production of ads and further join up with project 5a on development –Launch 5 October until day before purdah (24/25 Oct) –Election commission launch campaign 22 Oct to polling day
Electoral commission campaign Raising awareness of the elections. Electoral commissions plans include; TV, radio and online advertising campaign to run from 22 nd Oct until election day Campaign will signpost About My Vote and helpline and also prompt people to look out for the Electoral Commissions booklet. Their booklet will be door dropped across England and Wales (except London) and provide info on registration, SV vote, process on election day Templates made available to PAROs and LROs to run their own election awareness raising activity at a local level Guidance to PAROs, LROs and wider stakeholders on public awareness, media handling and a specific section on electoral fraud – already published on EC website PCC elections communications network: to share plans for public awareness information, materials and guidance, opportunity to input into the booklet content. Home Office and relevant partner organisations will be members.
Backwards and forward look Key activity since Overall Project group 5 last met New PCC section of Home Office website launched 27 June (over 7000 visits a week). Stories and features since launch; Home Sec ‘Welcomes PCCs’ (Web and Telegraph article) PM ‘Big job for a big local figure’ Link to Lancashire PA campaign 2 sets of candidate briefings available ‘PCCs to determine victims services’ ‘Access to elected office’ PCCs story to support CJS White Paper Targeting of regional press for victims services story June PCC Bulletin to partners Key activity forward look Quiet proactive media over Olympic period July edition of PCC Bulletin (27 July) Publish communications handbook for police communicators Expecting the publication of the Strategic Policing Requirement (TBC – 31 st July) Exploring media activity and announcement to mark ‘3 months to go’ (15 Aug) Publish remaining set of candidate briefings by end (15 Aug) Candidate website holding page and print on demand phone number go live mid August Planning ministerial speeches through September Home Office campaign launch (5 October)