FAO forestry information items Jan Heino Assistant Director-General FAO, Forestry Department
High Level Conference 3-5 June registered participants from 183 countries, 1300 media representatives 43 Heads of State, 100 Ministers Outcome1: raised awareness Outcome2:co-ordination and financing Outcome3:declaration Some problems – role of biofuels in the future, the trade and subsidies issue
FRA comprehensive 7 elements of SFM Monitor global objectives (UNFF, CBD, UNFCCC...) Global remote sensing survey –deforestation trends FAO focus on training national correspondents Government engagement!
Other information issues SOFO 2009 Society, forests & forestry: adapting to the future Based on regional outlook studies & partner inputs State of world's forest genetic resources (2013) Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture will deal with forest genetic resources Involvement of APFC
XIII World Forestry Congress Buenos Aires, Oct 2009 “Forests in development – a vital balance” Call for voluntary papers & posters Financial support
International Years – raising awareness Natural Fibres (2009) – FAO Wood & non-wood forest products! Biodiversity (2010) – CSD Conservation, sustainable use & equitable sharing of benefits Forests (2011) – UNFF SFM How can FAO support? How to link national activities?
FAO Strategy for Forestry Why? Previous strategy 1999 – many changes since Mandated by COFO & IEE Respond to UN and FAO reforms Open consultation: Regional Forestry Commissions Draft strategy: comments requested!!! Consideration at COFO 2009 Forestry is a broad, comprehensive concept
...FAO Strategy for Forestry Outcomes: 10 year time frame Challenges ahead Strategic Objective and vision Desired outcomes of FAO work in Forestry FAO comparative advantages
Collaborative Partnership on Forests 14 Organizations FAO chair, UNFF secretariat "CPF Strategic Framework for Coordinated Response of the Forest Sector to the Climate Change Agenda"