Revolutionary War Newscast Assignment Mrs. Leland Social Studies-7
Introduction Tensions between the colonies and Great Britain have been building since the end of the French and Indian War. Left with a large debt after the French and Indian War, Britain attempts to raise money by passing new taxes in the colonies. This is met with great resistance and eventually, fighting. After a brief battle at Lexington and Concord, it becomes evident to both the colonies and Britain that war is inevitable.
Task As a pair, you are to create either a radio or video broadcast including two interviews covering a specific cause or aspect of the Revolutionary War. You are to research your cause or topic in Social Studies class and then put the information into a radio or video broadcast and interview in English class. Each group will present their project to the class. You will take notes on each presentation and have an exam on the notes. Project is due: Friday, November 20,2009
Process Follow the steps below to complete your presentation: 1.Click on the link below that matches your assigned topic A)Boston Tea PartyBoston Tea Party B)Boston MassacreBoston Massacre C)Stamp ActStamp Act D)Declaration of IndependenceDeclaration of Independence E)Battles of Lexington and ConcordBattles of Lexington and Concord F)Second Continental CongressSecond Continental Congress G)Townshend ActsTownshend Acts H)Sugar Act/Writs of AssistanceSugar Act/Writs of Assistance I)Battle of Bunker HillBattle of Bunker Hill J)Intolerable ActsIntolerable Acts K)Proclamation of 1763Proclamation of 1763
Process 2. Research your topic. Use sites bookmarked on toolboxpro or Mrs. Frei’s homepage to gather information on your topic. Complete the info worksheet as you get information.toolboxpro 3. Begin your Radio or Video Broadcast Be sure to complete all of your information BEFORE you begin to record your radio broadcast. If you choose to do a radio broadcast, you must have a power point presentation of at least 8 slides. If you choose to do a video broadcast, you must have visual props such as charts, posters, pictures or objects.
Process 4. Choose your interview subject and create questions for your interview. 5. Ask your interview questions to your partner. (S)He should answer the questions as if (s)he were the person being interviewed. Write down the answers. 6. Record your interview. Both partners will have to conduct a complete interview
Evaluation Criteria4321 Content Radio broadcast has all the major content recorded. Interview contains accurate information. There are many details to support the broadcast and the interview. Radio broadcast has all the major content recorded. Interview contains accurate information. Some critical details are omitted. Radio broadcast has some detailed information. Interview contains accurate information. Some critical details are omitted. Radio broadcast has few details. Interview contains accurate information. Major critical details are omitted. Accuracy Radio broadcast has all accurate information. Interview contains accurate information. There are no errors in the information presented. Radio broadcast has fewer than three inaccurate details Interview contains accurate information. Some critical details are omitted. Radio broadcast has fewer than five inaccurate details. Interview contains accurate information. Many critical details are omitted. Radio broadcast has more than five inaccurate details. Interview contains accurate information. Many critical details are omitted. Creativity Radio broadcast has many interesting details. The speaking voices were clear and animated. Radio broadcast has many interesting details. The speaking voices were mostly clear and animated. Radio broadcast has many some interesting details. The speaking voices not always clear and some was difficult to understand. Radio broadcast has some interesting details. The speaking voices not at all clear and most of it was difficult to understand. Presentation Presentation was loud and clearly delivered. Words were pronounced well and presenters seemed to know their topic. Presentation was loud and clearly delivered. Some words were not pronounced well. Presenters mostly knew their topic. Presentation was difficult to hear.. Some words were not pronounced well. Presenters made some errors in their topic. Presentation was very difficult to understand. many words were not pronounced well. Presenters made many mistakes.
Conclusion Suggestions: Divide the work fairly. Decide right away who is going to complete what interview and share the story broadcast fairly. Write down information to include on the story and each interview following the worksheets provided- then begin the broadcast. Be serious when recording your news broadcast and interviews. Speak clearly and slowly so that you can be heard and understood. This is an important part of your grade.. Save often!! Make sure you saving to your H:Dive, When the project is complete, students will combine broadcasts and save the final project on the N:Drive.