Chapter 28 Section 4 THE COLD WAR AT HOME
Captain America -comic book figure became extremely popular -provided reassurance to Americans that he would rid the country of Communism
COLD WAR FEARS The United States government created 3 government departments/agencies in hopes of controlling the spread/threat of communism into the United States 1947 – congress replaces the War Department with Department of Defense This combined leadership/command of the army, navy, and air force under the Joint Chiefs of Staff. National Security Council (NSC) Advise the President and Department of Defense on strategic matters Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Gathers strategic military and political information from overseas
Originally established in the 1930’s to investigate fascists groups in the US. In the 1950’s the responded to charges and allegations that the movie industry was full of communists Held hearings to investigate a group of California film directors and writers – Hollywood Ten The group chose to go to jail rather than answer the questions from the HUAC, causing them to be blacklisted and their careers were destroyed. HOUSE UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE (HUAC)
Spies HUAC investigated individuals they felt were spying for the Soviets Alger Hiss – Pumpkin Papers 1951 – Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Americans that were convicted of providing the Soviets with atomic-energy secrets during WWII. Both were executed in 1953 Creation of the Internal Security Act, passed in 1950 Required all members of the communist party to register with the federal government Imposed strict controls on immigrants thought to have communist ties
MCCARTHYISM Joseph McCarthy - US Senator from Wisconsin – intensified the fears that communism had infested the US “the Communists within our borders have been more responsible for the success of communist abroad than Soviet Russia” Used his position in the government to intimidate and accuse government officials in position of power, with no evidence, of supporting or sympathizing with communism. The Crucible – Arthur Miller, draws connections between McCarthyism and The Salem Witch Trials
NUCLEAR ANXIETY - US/SOVIET ARMS RACE Increased conflict between US and Soviets has increased the arms race, or race to develop even more powerful nuclear weapons US scientist began working on the H-Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb, claiming it would be 1000X more powerful than those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first run test of the H-Bomb completely vaporized a small island in the Pacific Ocean 9 months after US tested this bomb the Soviets tested their own H- Bomb.
IMPACTS OF NUCLEAR ANXIETY ON RELIGION Americans turned to religion to calm fears about nuclear war Church attendance increased Congress added “One Nation Under God” in the pledge & “In God We Trust” on US coins
CALMING FEARS Government launched programs to inform Americans what to do for nuclear attack Pamphlets, posters, trainings, films, magazines, TV shows, & “Duck & Cover”
SPACE PROGRAMS Sputnik – Soviet Union launched its first official satellite in 1957 Sputnik II – launched with dog inside one month later US feared it was falling behind in technological developments, in January of 1958 US launched Explorer I into orbit and the space race had begun. NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration was establishd National Defense Act – 1958, congress approved millions of dollars to improve education in science, math, and foreign languages.