OVERVIEW OF GROUP ROLE Making decision on the content Class as a whole –research articles Group decision on exact content
LARGER PICTURE Editing & Copyright Group You rely on us…
TIMELINE 2/19-2/26: Decide on final Table of Contents and organization for textbook Which ideas and concepts will be included? Which are most Important? 2/26-3/5: Beginning to Write Taking the largest concepts and most important points and beginning to expand on them 3/5-3/12: Continuing to Write, organizing content into units and sections
TIMELINE PART 2 3/15-3/29: Work on examples, tutorials, copyright aspect of textbook 4/1-4/8: Works Cited practice what we preach in terms of intellectual commons and proper, in-context citing 4/8-4/15: Make assignments and activities for teachers, meet with other sections to streamline process and make sure every aspect of book works together make sure the project is comprehensive as well as cohesive
GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1.Follow the timeline 2.Work with other groups to develop content 3.Determine list of chapter/topics 4.Research articles 5.Create/ determine Application sections
CHAPTERS & TOPICS Theory Rhetorical Design Visual rhetoric Ethics Legal/ Copyright Application Document design Web design Photo manipulation Video creation & editing
ACCOMPLISHED Basic framework Reference book used for a class setting Timeline Section content topics
PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS Meeting times Solution: ! Other group plans Narrow down of specifics of chapters/units Order? EXACT topics Sections within sections
WORK TO DO sections within sections Rhetorical strategies within each section RESEARCH! Print on demand Document design
RESEARCH TOPICS Web design Print on demand Rhetorical theory Theory of design Copyright Ethics As pertaining to professional communication Theory of online writing/ communication