Borland Janeva.NET Interoperability with J2EE and CORBA Svetlin Nakov Software Development Consultant Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Slide 2 The Need to Integrate the Technologies CORBA in the Presentation layer… –Don’t Pass Firewalls, Too Complex and High Maintenance –but… Code is closer to the native platform (better performance) J2EE in the Presentation and Data layers… –Resource Intensive, Too Complex and High Maintenance –but… Portability and Scalability across multiple platforms!.NET in the Business Rules and Data layers… –No Security, No Persistence, No EJB Analogue –but… Rich Front-End and Easier development environment! ANATOMYPRESENTATIONBUSINESS RULESDATA TECHNOLOGY.NETJ2EECORBA PROTOCOLSOAPRMIIIOP EJBEJB EJB EJB EJB EJB EJB
Slide 3 How to get this.NET side to talk ? ? EJBEJBEJB BES AppServer BES VisiBroker EJBEJBEJB WebSphere EJBEJBEJB WebLogic InterBase Oracle Sybase MS-SQL Server.NET Thin Clients J2EE and CORBA Middleware.NET Thick Clients to this J2EE and CORBA side?.NET Server ASP. NET The Chasm
Slide 4.NET Server ASP. NET Web Services as a Solution EJBEJBEJB BES AppServer BES VisiBroker EJBEJBEJB WebSphere EJBEJBEJB WebLogic InterBase Oracle Sybase MS-SQL Server.NET Thin Clients J2EE and CORBA Middleware.NET Thick Clients “Bridge” Web Server Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service - Additional infrastructures needed - Interoperability is not seamless - Security, Transactions, and Quality- of-Services may not be supported - Poor Performance
Slide 5.NET Server ASP. NET Bridging as a Solution EJBEJBEJB BES AppServer BES VisiBroker EJBEJBEJB WebSphere EJBEJBEJB WebLogic InterBase Oracle Sybase MS-SQL Server.NET Thin Clients J2EE and CORBA Middleware.NET Thick Clients - Additional infrastructures needed - Changes may be required to middleware - Security, Transactions, and Quality- of-Services may not be supported - Poor Performance “Bridge”
Slide 6.NET Server ASP. NET The Janeva Solution EJBEJBEJB BES AppServer BES VisiBroker EJBEJBEJB WebSphere EJBEJBEJB WebLogic InterBase Oracle Sybase MS-SQL Server.NET Thin Clients J2EE and CORBA Middleware.NET Thick Clients - No additional infrastructures needed - No changes required to back end - Seamless interoperability - J2EE and CORBA infrastructures are leveraged, including Qualities-of- Service features - High PerformanceJaneva Janeva Janeva JanevaJaneva JanevaJaneva
Slide 7 Janeva Solution Janeva is VisiBroker for.NET –Borland’s implementation of CORBA infrastructure for.NET Adhering to (mature) standards on both the client and server –.NET, J2EE, and CORBA Seamless interoperability between.NET and J2EE & CORBA platforms –Access to fully IIOP compliant J2EE servers –Access to fully IIOP compliant CORBA ORB's Highly performing –Leveraging efficiencies of IIOP vs. SOAP Enterprise Quality of Service (IIOP based) –Load Balancing, Fault Tolerance, Transactions, Scalability.NET over IIOP
Slide 8 Janeva Solution Transactions –Provide 2-Phase commits across applications Security –Encryption, Authentication, and Authorization Stateful Services –Object References –Distributed Object Model Support for Complex Data Types –Automated mapping between J2EE and CORBA Cross Language Support –Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR) –C#, J#, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C++.NET –Any CLR supported language.NET over IIOP
Slide 9 How Janeva Works.NET over IIOP JAVA CORBA.jar.ear.class.idl Janeva compiler C# code.NET C# compiler.NET DLL assembly Janeva compilers generate.NET stubs for mapping J2EE and CORBA types to.NET types The.NET C# compiler compiles the generated stubs and include them in the compiled assembly Janeva runtime is embedded directly into the deployed application
Slide 10 J2EE based compiler –.Net Remoting stubs from Java RMI interfaces CORBA based compiler –.Net Remoting stubs from IDL.NET Assemblies –Packaged from generated stubs –Stubs target Microsoft’s Common Type System (CTS) J2EE Server RMI-IIOP EJB 1 EJB 2 CORBA IDL-IIOP Obj 1 Obj 2 ASP.NET Runtime Janeva Runtime C#Basic C++.NET Runtime Janeva Runtime C#BasicJScript Janeva Stubs.NET over IIOP Janeva Environment
Slide 11 Janeva Environment Hiding the Complexities –Ease-of-Use Abstraction (OO wrappers) –Map J2EE and CORBA frameworks to.Net –Tight integration with.NET based IDE’s such as Visual Studio for.NET and C# Builder J2EE Server Environment C# Client.NET Runtime Janeva Runtime Raw Stub Layer Ease-of-Use Layer Transaction Service Naming Service EJB Container Home Objects Remote Objects.NET over IIOP
Slide 12 Janeva Connectivity Choices Janeva Run Time IIOP.NET DLL J2EE CORBA Platforms Languages BES WebLogic WebSphere Others VisiBroker Windows Others Unix Linux Mainframes Java C++ Others
Accessing J2EE from.NET with Borland Janeva Demo Svetlin Nakov Software Development Consultant Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
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