Cindy Jouper, ESD 113 Amanda Mount, OSPI
This webinar will introduce biology teachers and other education professionals to the online system for the biology COE We will cover the nitty-gritty details of how to help students create and submit a biology COE This webinar is NOT about content or policies. Those topics will be covered in other webinars.
EDS Accounts Set up Groups Add students to groups Assign tasks to students Students complete work Students choose tasks to include Teachers approve work Principals approve work Work is submitted for scoring
All teachers will need accounts on EDS in order to access COE online Principals will also need accounts in order to approve student submissions EDS login: Download instructions for requesting an account hererequesting an account here Biology teachers need to request the role “eCOESchoolAdvisorScience” When account is created, contact your district security manager to approve account
The first time you log in, you will see a dialog box like the one below. Please read the statement and click “I Agree” in order to continue into the site.
Students are placed in classes, known as “Groups” Teachers may create multiple groups Students can only be in one group per content area Students can be in groups and working on a collection even if they are not yet eligible Only eligible students may submit collections
After logging in through EDS, look for Groups in the left-hand menu. Choose “Biology Groups”
You will see the listing of groups that have been created. To create a new group, click the ‘Add New Group’ button
A new dialog box will appear. The COE Cohort Group will say “Bio Development”. Teacher ◦ If the teacher is creating his/her own groups, the name will be prefilled ◦ If an admin is creating the groups, choose the teacher from the drop-down. Teachers must have logged in at least once to appear on the drop-down. Title – choose any title for the class Student access – may be set now or at any time Click “Insert” to create the class
Access should be closed when students are not in class or working with school personnel Access may be opened for one-time event or on a recurring schedule.
Groups>Biology Groups Click link for Manage Group Click Add/Remove Students link
You will see a list of students sorted by last name Birthdates are included for verification purposes Currently, no eligibility information available for biology (will be updated end of Sept. 2013)
Click the checkbox to the left of the student’s name to select the student, then click the double right arrows to move student into the group.
Once students are in a group, you will want to assign them tasks to work on. There are two types of tasks – extended time and on-demand Tasks that are assigned as on-demand cannot be viewed until on-demand settings are turned on Teachers control which questions students will work on during on-demand session
Click the select button to choose student or students Click the “Assign Task(s) to Selected Student(s) button
1 – Extended time 2 – On-demand 3 – Strands and number of questions 4 – Assign tasks to students
Groups>Biology Groups>Manage Groups Choose the group you are working with Click Manage Group From this view, you will see all of the students in the group Under each student’s name, you will see a UserName ◦ UserName is not case-sensitive ◦ Make sure students type a hyphen (-) not an underscore (_) between first initial and last name ◦ Some students will have an underscore and number at the end of their username (c-carter_3) All students log in with initial password ‘coestudent’ and reset it at first login
Students log in to: If students forget password, click the “Reset to coestudent” link under name to reset
Note: If access has not been turned on by the teachers, students will not be able to log in. At first login, student is asked to change the password
The students will see an account summary, listing their name, SSID number and date of birth. Please have them confirm the information. If anything is incorrect the teacher should contact Tech Support.
Students will be presented with the declaration shown below. Students should read the declaration, then click “I agree” to continue.
Click on link to view task.
1.Save 2.Paste as text 3.Subscript and superscript 4.Spell check
diagram included
Use of Task Response Labeled Diagram form is optional Students must fill out all identifying information completely Please print clearly Students write “diagram included” in text box to cue scorers to look for a diagram Teachers keep response forms in a secure location and submit the originals at submission time.
After the student has answered all of the questions in a task, he or she may click the checkbox at the top of the page that says “Complete?”
Teachers control when students work on on- demand tasks and which questions are available Students must complete the work assigned by the teacher in a single sitting Students may not return at another time to edit tasks
1.Select student and task 2.Select questions for students to view 3.Choose amount of time 4.Apply settings to selected task forms Once the teacher clicks the “Apply Settings to Selected Task Form(s) button the clock starts on the time the students have to complete that portion of the task.
Students must choose which tasks in their collections to include for scoring Only tasks marked for inclusion are available for teacher approval
When all sufficiency requirements are met, students can submit for teacher approval Teacher can either approve or send the collection back for revisions* If teacher approves, collection goes to principal for approval If principal approves, collection is submitted to state for scoring *Refer to biology content guidelines under teacher assistance
If students did not indicate that they are including labeled diagrams for any of their tasks, then submission is complete. For students who included labeled diagrams, teacher will print out a barcoded form and submit it to the scoring center More information on shipping the forms will be available closer to submission time
COE Website: ◦ “Biology” tab contains general information ◦ “Submitting Your COE” tab gives detailed step-by- step information ◦ “Training” tab to download this presentation and view the archived webinar Biology Moodle at OSPI: ◦ You will need to create a login to the site
Technical Support (ESD 113) ◦ Cindy, Joe and Hannah ◦ 8 am – 5 pm daily ◦ or Content Support (OSPI) ◦ Kim Andersen ◦ ◦ Operational Support (OSPI) ◦ Amanda Mount ◦ ◦