Today we are going to think about someone who was very special. Jesus
The birth of Jesus Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem. Mary gave birth to Jesus in a stable. The shepherds visited Jesus. The kings visited Jesus.
Jesus was the son of and Jesus was born in a in a place called stable Mary Joseph Bethlehem God Christmas Day Kings shepherds Jesus was born on Jesus is special because he is the Son of The and visited Jesus.
We find out about the life of Jesus in _______________
To write an account of the birth of Jesus.
Subject: RE Area of Study: Jesus Lesson: 2 Year Group: Year 2 Learning Objective To understand why Jesus was a special person. Lesson Introduction Slide 1-cover slide Slide 2-Talk about the lesson objective. Slides 3-Read the story of The birth of Jesus and recall the events using slide 3 Slide 4-Children answer fill in the missing words using the words provided in the box. Teacher scribes the correct word into the gap. Slide 5-Fill in the missing word Slide 6-Discuss the task Lesson Activities Children write an account of the birth story of Jesus. Plenary Children read their work to the class. Finish the lesson recalling why the birth of Jesus makes Him special.