A meeting to celebrate Murray Aitkin’s 70 th Birthday.
Changes to programme Mikis Stasinopoulos replaces Goeran Kauermann (Flight problems because of volcanic ash) Brian Francis probably replaces Peter van der Heijden (laryngitis).
Development of statistical modelling over last 30 years has been rapid and extensive. This meeting is a celebration of Murray Aitkin’s work over this period and what it has led on to. Large body of Murray Aitkin’s work which is heavily cited. Covers a wide spectrum of topics: Simultaneous test procedures, Applications of the EM algorithm, survival models, likelihood inference, latent class models, random effects models, item/response theory, mixture models, discrete random effects, Bayes factors, new approaches to Bayesian inference.
Bock and Aitkin (1981) Marginal maximum likelihood estimation of item parameters: Application of an EM algorithm 967 citations. Aitkin, Hinde and Anderson (1981) Statistical modelling of data on teaching styles.276 citations Anderson, and Aitkin (1985) Variance component models with a binary response. 240 citations Aitkin and Clayton (1980) Fitting of exponential, Weibull and Extreme Value distributions. 211 citations Aitkin and Rubin (1985) Estimation and hypothesis testing in finite mixture models. 205 citations
Developed through reanalysis of data on teaching styles ( formal, informal, mixed) Exciting new area in 1980s with distinct research teams developing work and ideas. Now vast body of work by numerous researchers Speakers: Hinde, Goldstein, Alfo.
Contributions in Monte Carlo testing, EM fitting of models in the GLM framework, and more recently, new inferential procedures for determining number of groups. Speakers – Longford.
Investigation of wide variety of new models for data in survival analysis, contingency table analysis and item/response theory. Work in comparison of correspondence analysis and log-linear models. Involvement in Statistical Modelling workshops Speakers: Kauermann, de Falguerolles, Firth, Statiinopoulos.
Likelihood based – Book on Statistical Modelling in GLIM. New approaches to Bayesian analysis - new book out in July. Speakers: Liu, Aitkin