Using Sauce Labs with Selenium Web Driver in Functional Testing J2EE Group 6/16/2014
Tools Selenium WebDriver Bamboo Sauce Labs Sauce Java Libraries Sauce Connect Sauce REST
What is Sauce Labs? Cloud-based remote testing service Subscription-based Includes the option to do manual testing Cross-platform, cross-browser testing. Includes a number of libraries and APIs for integrating with tests.
How we Run our Tests
Our Basic Test Structure Base class instantiates a default WebDriver and does CAS login. Provides other utilities like adding WebDrivers, getting a count of search results, etc.
Example Test
Running Locally vs. Running in CI Since we’re limited in the amount of time we can run tests in Sauce Labs, we need to be able to easily swap between using Sauce Labs or a local WebDriver. We also want to be able to have pre-configured WebDrivers for different environments.
Organization & Debugging From our functional test base class:
Benefits of Sauce Labs
Other Approaches/ Future Possibilities