CCGPS Mathematics Unit-by-Unit Grade Level Webinar Accelerated Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra Unit 5: Inferences and Conclusions from Data August 29, 2013 Session will be begin at 8:00 am While you are waiting, please do the following: Configure your microphone and speakers by going to: Tools – Audio – Audio setup wizard Document downloads: When you are prompted to download a document, please choose or create the folder to which the document should be saved, so that you may retrieve it later.
CCGPS Mathematics Unit-by-Unit Grade Level Webinar Accelerated Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra Unit 5: Inferences and Conclusions from Data August 29, 2013 James Pratt – Brooke Kline – Secondary Mathematics Specialists These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement.
The big idea of Unit 5 Incorporating SMPs into applications of statistics Resources Welcome!
What is different about S.ID.2 in this course and when it was addressed in Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A? Wiki/ Questions
What is different about S.ID.2 in this course and when it was addressed in Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A? The difference is using Standard Deviation as a measure of spread as opposed to Absolute Mean Deviation. Wiki/ Questions
From a class containing 12 girls and 10 boys, three students are to be selected to serve on a school advisory panel. Which of the following is the best sampling method, among the four, if you want the school panel to represent a fair and representative view of the opinions of your class? Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-IC School Advisory Panel
1.Select the first three names on the class roll. 2.Select the first three student who volunteer. 3.Place the names of the 22 students in a hat, mix them thoroughly, and select three names from the mix. 4.Select the first three students who show up for class tomorrow. Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-IC School Advisory Panel
What’s the big idea? Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable Understand and evaluate random processes underlying statistical experiments Make inferences and justify conclusions from sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies.
What’s the big idea? Standards for Mathematical Practice
What’s the big idea? SMP 1 – Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them SMP 2 – Reason abstractly and quantitatively SMP 3 – Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others SMP 4 – Model with mathematics SMP 5 – Use appropriate tools strategically
Coherence and Focus K-9 th Develop understanding of statistical variability Summarize and describe distributions Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population and comparative inferences about two populations Summarize, represent and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable (No standard deviation) 11th-12th Evaluate outcomes of decisions
Examples & Explanations Automobile manufactures have to design the driver’s seat area so that both tall and short adults can sit comfortably, reach all the controls and pedals, and see through the windshield. Suppose a new car is designed so that these conditions are met for people from 58 inches to 76 inches tall. The heights of adult men in the US are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 70 inches and a standard deviation of 3 inches. Heights of adult women are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 64.5 inches and a standard deviation of 2.5 inches. Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-ID.4 Do You Fit In This Car?
Examples & Explanations Automobile manufactures have to design the driver’s seat area so that both tall and short adults can sit comfortably, reach all the controls and pedals, and see through the windshield. Suppose a new car is designed so that these conditions are met for people from 58 inches to 76 inches tall. The heights of adult men in the US are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 70 inches and a standard deviation of 3 inches. Heights of adult women are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 64.5 inches and a standard deviation of 2.5 inches. What percentage of US men will not be accommodated by the car? What percentage of US women will not be accommodated by the car? Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-ID.4 Do You Fit In This Car?
Examples & Explanations Automobile manufactures have to design the driver’s seat area so that both tall and short adults can sit comfortably, reach all the controls and pedals, and see through the windshield. Suppose a new car is designed so that these conditions are met for people from 58 inches to 76 inches tall. The heights of adult men in the US are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 70 inches and a standard deviation of 3 inches. Heights of adult women are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 64.5 inches and a standard deviation of 2.5 inches. What percentage of US men will not be accommodated by the car? What percentage of US women will not be accommodated by the car? Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-ID.4 Do You Fit In This Car?
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-ID.4 Do You Fit In This Car?
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-ID.4 Do You Fit In This Car?
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-ID.4 Do You Fit In This Car?
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-ID.4 Do You Fit In This Car?
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-ID.4 Do You Fit In This Car?
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-ID.4 Do You Fit In This Car?
Examples & Explanations In 1978, researchers Premack and Woodruff published a study in Science magazine, reporting an experiment where an adult chimpanzee named Sarah was shown videotapes of eight different scenarios of a human being faced with a problem. After being shown each videotape, she was presented with two photographs, one of which depicted a possible solution to the problem. In the experiment, Sarah picked the photograph with the correct solution seven times out of eight. Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-IC Sarah the Chimpanzee
Examples & Explanations In 1978, researchers Premack and Woodruff published a study in Science magazine, reporting an experiment where an adult chimpanzee named Sarah was shown videotapes of eight different scenarios of a human being faced with a problem. After being shown each videotape, she was presented with two photographs, one of which depicted a possible solution to the problem. In the experiment, Sarah picked the photograph with the correct solution seven times out of eight. Does the outcome of Premack and Woodruff’s experiment provide evidence that Sarah was recognizing correct solutions, and not just randomly guessing? Explain. Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-IC Sarah the Chimpanzee
Examples & Explanations Does the outcome of Premack and Woodruff’s experiment provide evidence that Sarah was recognizing correct solutions, and not just randomly guessing? Explain. Using a coin flip simulator you can see that 7 or more successes out of 8 trials rarely happens by pure chance. Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-IC Sarah the Chimpanzee
Examples & Explanations A bank has placed 1,500 marbles in a very large, clear jar near the customer entrance. Since the bank’s logo’s colors are blue and white, some of the 1,500 marbles are blue and the rest are white. In order to enter the contest, a customer must fill in an entry form with his/her estimate for the percentage of blue marbles in the jar. The entry form says the following: I think that 1 out of every _________ marbles in this jar is blue. (Fill in the blank with a “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, or “6”.) Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-IC The Marble Jar
Examples & Explanations A bank has placed 1,500 marbles in a very large, clear jar near the customer entrance. Since the bank’s logo’s colors are blue and white, some of the 1,500 marbles are blue and the rest are white. In order to enter the contest, a customer must fill in an entry form with his/her estimate for the percentage of blue marbles in the jar. The entry form says the following: I think that 1 out of every _________ marbles in this jar is blue. (Fill in the blank with a “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, or “6”.) Without counting all the marbles, how would you determine the proportion of blue marbles in the jar? Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-IC The Marble Jar
1.Select the first three names on the class roll. 2.Select the first three student who volunteer. 3.Place the names of the 22 students in a hat, mix them thoroughly, and select three names from the mix. 4.Select the first three students who show up for class tomorrow. Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics S-IC School Advisory Panel
Assessment – Released Items We have posted a set of released […] EOCT items to the GaDOE website. In addition to the item booklet itself, you will find commentary and field test performance data. […] The items are posted on the EOCT webpage, under the link 'EOCT Resources.' A direct link to this webpage is provided below. Please scroll down the page and look under the heading 'Other Documents and Resources.' […] Resources.aspxhttp:// Resources.aspx ~ Dr. Melissa Fincher, Associate Superintendent for Assessment and Accountability (excerpt from an sent to K-12 Assessment Directors from Dr. Fincher)
Resource List The following list is provided as a sample of available resources and is for informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to investigate them to determine their value and appropriateness for your district. GaDOE does not endorse or recommend the purchase of or use of any particular resource.
CCGPS Resources SEDL videos - or Illustrative Mathematics - Mathematics Vision Project - Dana Center's CCSS Toolbox - Common Core Standards - Tools for the Common Core Standards - LearnZillion - Assessment Resources MAP - Illustrative Mathematics - CCSS Toolbox: PARCC Prototyping Project - Smarter Balanced - PARCC - Online Assessment System - Resources
Professional Learning Resources Inside Mathematics- Annenberg Learner - Edutopia – Teaching Channel - Ontario Ministry of Education - Achieve - Blogs Dan Meyer – Robert Kaplinsky - Books Van De Walle & Lovin, Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, Grades 5-8
Feedback James Pratt – Brooke Kline –
Thank You! Please visit to share your feedback, ask questions, and share your ideas and resources! Please visit to join the 9-12 Mathematics listserve. Follow us on Brooke Kline Program Specialist (6 ‐ 12) James Pratt Program Specialist (6-12) These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement.