Plurilingualism Promotion Plan The bilingual schools Programme
Main objective of the plan Improve the language skills of Andalusian people in their mother tongue and provide them with plurilingual and pluricultural skills.
Bilingual schools Is one of the specific programmes among five others in the Plan. BILINGUAL SCHOOLS OFFICIAL SCHOOLS OF LANGUAGES PLURILINGUALISM AND TEACHERS PLURILINGUALISM AND SOCIETY PLURILINGUALISM AND INTERCULTURALITY ORGANIZATION EVALUATION The purpose : To create a network of 400 bilingual schools.
General aims Help Andalusian citizens, as citizens of Europe, to develop the right to acquire language skills as part of a life-long process, according to their needs. Promote linguistic diversity, since Europe is a multilingual continent and all the language have the same value as means of communication and as the expression of an identity.
General aims II Promote the development of mutual comprehension since acceptance of cultural differences depends on the possibility of learning other languages. Foster the idea of democratic citizenship which recognises the differences and aspires to equality. Encourage social cohesion giving equal opportunities by the possibility of life-long language learning
Specific aims Linguistic point of view: Cultural point of view: Improve skills in both , the 1st and 2nd language and later the 3rd. Cultural point of view: Freedom, tolerance, solidarity and respect will all be promoted as fundamental values of education thanks to the contact with other realities. Cognitive point of view: Language teaching/learning will improve general learning skills . Pupils are confronted with several linguistic codes “to do” things , they will develop greater cognitive flexibility.
What's a bilingual school in Andalusia? It is an infant, primary or secondary school that uses the mother tongue as well as a foreing languge to teach different subjects in the curriculum (at least 2 subjects)
More news? Increase in the number of specialised teachers 1st foreign language introduced from the infant stage 2nd foreign language from the 3rd cycle Primary education. A New organisation Model: Linguistic project defined within the School project. Coordinator in charge of supervising the elaboration of integrate curriculum of the language and non language areas. Coordination of all language departments and non language subjects New methodology . CLIL.
Other measures in the bilingual programme Non classroom teaching hours. Specific training plan Incorporation of auxiliary conversation teachers. Provision of technological equipment to digitalise BS. Elaboration of a training plan for parents. Agreements with foreign institutions devoted to cultural and linguistic dissemination. Support for language immersion actions in all the activities of the school community. Recognition of bilingual schooling through certification.
CONSEJERÍA DE EDUCACIÓN Plurilingualism Promotion Plan A language policy for Andalusia Thanks for your attention. For further information, visit: averroes/plurilinguismo/