Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Systems Development Life Cycle Busmark
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Project Plan A functioning website that allows school districts to purchase our products as well as a way for Parents to login through the website to be able to track the whereabouts of the bus their child is on. A functioning basket that school districts may keep the products they wish to purchase. A home page describing what are business motto is. A page with the products we offer. A link to download the app. A link on the home page that allows the customer to us. A page that allows school districts to order our product. Critical Success Factors – We will use these Critical Success Factors 1. Cost/Benefit Analysis
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Project Plan 2. Value Chain Analysis 3. Resource Availability 4. Strategic Alignment 5. Project Size, Duration, and Difficulty Project Feasibility Studies 1. Economic Feasibility Study – We will use this to see if it is fiscally responsible to develop the new system. We will analyze how much the system costs, how much it will cost to install it and how much it will cost to implement it and train our employees. 2. Technical Feasibility Study – We will use this study to see if we have the means technically to implement this system. We will analyze our current technological boundaries and if it is possible implement the new system.
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Project Plan 3. Operational Feasibility Study – We will use this study to see if the system will help us achieve what we would like to achieve with a new system. Project Time Line – We would like to get our business up and ready for next semester after winter break so that it will be ready for use when school starts up next. November 1 – Project Documents and Business Requirements Completed. November 8 – Process Database Models Completed. November 9 – Process Database Models Delivered to Programming. November 20 – Initial Prototype and App ready for Beta testing. December 1 – Final product and App finalized and ready for programming December 10 – User Documentation is Due.
*Login School District purchasing tablet system Buy Now [ exit ] [system selected ] Buy Prepared by: BusMark Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain SYSTEM OFFERINGS After logging in, the administrator begins by viewing their “Dashboard.” An option will be to “Buy Now.” Features will be listed and user will have to select desired system which will result in a total price calculated at the bottom where user can select to “Buy Now.” Next, user will fill out necessary payment information and we will fulfill their order. ACCEPTED ORDER Generate Invoice Prepared: November 2013 Process diagram (identify what process you are diagramming)
*Login computer User tracking bus School District SCHOOL DISTRICTS Enter Student ID Prepared by: BusMark Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain USER The user begins by logging into the system supplying an userid ( address ) and a password or registering for an account if they don’t already have one. The customer’s home “Dashboard” is displayed once logged on. Here, users can search for their desired school district in a search bar. Once the district is selected, a student id is required to go further. Once the id is entered, route numbers are available for selection which once clicked on, will show map with up-to- date locator information and student status. Prepared: November 2013 Process diagram (identify what process you are diagramming) Select Route ROUTE Verify user [ invalid login ]
Prepared by: BusMark Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Our Company has decided to build our own website. There are no other alternatives that already exist that our company would be able to purchase. Also since our company is just starting out and beginning to grow we don’t have the funds to purchase a website at our current stage. We would like to build core competency based on our businesses technical characteristics and system. Our highly trained IT personnel would be responsible for creating the system and up keeping it. If we were to buy a system it may be too generic and not set us apart from other businesses in our market. Also its cost is too high for our up and coming business. Prepared: November 2013 Buy vs. Build
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Design phase (design the IT infrastructure (in your case you do not have to create the IT infrastructure); design the system models) System Model - website Login User ID Password Register Products The App In the News Security Home Terms of Use FAQs Business Name Business Slogan Contact Us Privacy Statement About BusMark Business Picture Business Description
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain System Model – ER diagram - Customer Order Relationship OrderCustomer Order ID Product
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain System Model– Navigation Home Contact Us About BusMark Privacy Statement FAQs Terms of Use Login Register Products The App In the News Security Home Username Password Buy Product Don’t Buy Product
“ A helicopter parent’s dream come true” Contact us | Terms of Use | FAQs | Privacy Statement | About BusMark Products The App In the News Security Home Login User ID Password B wfwervpr emgvoirvoirvoii ivjdovie iovrv voiveoirfvrnvoiv novineoirfvnoifvnieorv noivismcwei ofmwoivni cowieofwef novineoirfvnoifvnieorv noivismcwei ofmwoivni cowieofweffwervpr emgvoirvoirvoii ivjdovie iovrv voiveoirfvrnvoiv novineoir fvnoif vnieorv noivi smcwei ofmwoivni cowieofwef novineoirfvnoifvnieorv noivismcwei ofmwoi vni cowie ofwef. Register
Mobile App Contact us | Terms of Use | FAQs | Privacy Statement | About BusMark Search District Student ID B wfwervpr emgvoirvoirvoii ivjdovie iovrv voiveoirfvrnvoiv novin. eoirfvnoifvnieorv noivismcwei ofmwoivni cowieofwef novineoirfvnoifvnieorv noivismcwe.i ofmwoivni cow ie ofweffwervpr em gvo ir. voirvoii ivjdovie iovrv voiveoirfvrnvoiv novin. eoir fvnoif vnieorv noivi smcwei ofmwoivni cowieofwef novineo irfvn. oifvnieorv noivismc wei ofmw. oi vni cowie ofwef. emgvoirvoirvoii ivjdovie iovrv vo. iveoirf vrnvoiv novin eoir fvnoif vnieorv noi. vi smcwei ofmwoivni novi neoirfvn oifvn ieorv noi vism. cwei ofmwoi vni cowie ofwef. BusMark
Contact us | Terms of Use | FAQs | Privacy Statement | About BusMark Search School District Info Tracker This is our newest system that allows districts, administrators, and parents alike see the whereabouts of the busses and each student that is on the bus. (works with App) GPS System 2.0 This system allows the school district as a whole see where the busses are, and know when they will be late or early. GPS System This system tracks only the school bus and is available only for the use the district transportation department. Buy Now Products
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Testing – (write the test conditions and perform the system testing)
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Implementation – (perform system training and determine implementation method) In order to ensure that all employees can efficiently use the system and help our customers training will be required. Each new employee will receive a simplified instruction sheet on how to use the system. Also, they will go through a week of mandatory observation of experienced users (train-the-trainer) which will include instruction on the system. A performance test at the end of the week will include the manager watching the employee perform operations on the system. Plunge conversion will be our implementation method because we don’t currently have another system and our company is just starting. Users will all be on the same page and trainees will be experts on the system.
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Maintenance – (involves performing changes, corrections, additions and upgrades to ensure the system continues to meet the business goals) An IT employee will be hired to perform regular maintenance on our system. Adaptive maintenance will be performed in order to meet new requirements (i.e. new products, system errors, updated versions of our system) as they arise. The IT employee will have weekly meetings with management to discuss problems, solutions, and future requirements. A change management system will be put in place and management will be the change control board (CCB) who will determine whether or not a change to the system will be accepted or rejected. Every Monday system tests will be performed, every Wednesday report will be created, and every Friday meeting will be held with management to discuss reports and system performance.
References Laudon, K., & Laudon, J. Management information systems. (12 ed.). Pearson. Laudon, K., & Laudon, J. (2011). Managing the digital firm. (12 ed.). Prentice Hall, Inc.