Parent Forum Grayshott C of E Primary School Monday 16 April
County Monitoring March 2012 Ofsted issues (Autumn 2010) Increase the rate of progress for pupils in Key Stage 2 by June 2011, by: –providing more challenging tasks for all pupils –increasing opportunities for more-able pupils to work independently. Raise the proportion of good or better teaching by: –ensuring strategies identified in the best lessons are implemented consistently across the school –developing greater variety of teaching styles, delivered with enthusiasm. –Ensuring pupils know how to reach the next level of their learning by giving them more opportunities to respond to teachers' marking.
Focus for March 2012 Visit To what extent has the school made progress towards its Ofsted key actions since November 2010? To what extent is there evidence of accurate and appropriate target setting for improvement and evidence of the involvement of pupils within this?
Leadership Evidence of how leadership has strengthened over the last term, with key stage leaders/senior leaders developing a greater understanding of their roles and responsibilities. The leadership team has formulated and put in place a number of stronger management systems in order to keep the work of the school under timely and constant review including a monitoring/evaluation schedule and pupil progress systems. The school has made expected progress in strengthening leadership and have been robust in challenging weak practice where ever they have encountered it, and remain determined to transform practice across the school.
Pupil Progress Current estimates suggest that attainment at the end of KS is likely to be stronger with 93.3% of pupils on track to attain Level 4+ in mathematics and 53.3% on track to attain Level 5+. This represents a notable improvement in attainment with a rise of almost 10% at Level 4+ and a 25% rise at Level 5+. This would place the school well above the National average for attainment at Level 4+ and Level 5+. Attainment at both Level 4+ and Level 5+ in reading, writing and English overall is likely to be stronger this year (2012) with 93% on track to attain Level 4+ in reading and 60% to attain Level 5+ which is likely to place the school broadly inline with similar schools for English overall at both Level 4+ and Level 5+. Analysis of the school’s internal tracking indicates that outcomes for the end of KS are likely to be stronger for both attainment and rates of progress than those seen in 2012, and if realised would give the school the strongest rates of progress for five years.
Quality of Teaching The vast majority of teaching is judged to be satisfactory or better. The school’s leadership have been robust in challenging weak practice where ever they have encountered it, and remain determined to transform practice across the school. Where the quality of teaching is not yet strong enough the key aspect for improvement continues to be the need to develop a clear understanding of the progression of learning through units so that learning needs are identified and addressed. This is the key area of improvement for the school.
The New Raising Attainment Plan Weekly group planning sessions for teachers Team teaching with members of the leadership team Planning scrutiny & feedback by the leadership team Friday pupil conferencing by HT and DHT Develop monitoring proforma to link all monitoring activities to the raising attainment plan Work with local schools to further develop leadership practices at all levels Embed improvements to pupil tracking and pupil progress meetings
Communication Parent Forum Headteacher/Governor Surgery Better informed about the progress their children are making and what age appropriate expectations are – improvements to reports Opportunities to see their work - promote parents evening- individuals work available for viewing; parents welcome to come & see work after school, need to liaise with teacher Opportunities to work alongside their children, Zoo cafe, WW2, dinosaur projects, Developments around the school e.g. playground situation, path developments etc. Use the school newsletter Informed about the outcomes of Governor meetings/PTA Meetings, website to contain photos, minutes when approved, HT report, forum minutes
Pupil Progress Concerns over the slow progress that certain children are making, Desire for higher expectations & level of challenge More individual help able child initiative Able Child Initiative Continuation of G&T Groups Emphasis on Quality First Teaching
Exciting & Inspiring Curriculum Opportunities Greater opportunities for real-life purpose in topics Curriculum Team, Olympic Games Term, A greater range of activities and visits, including sporting activities, lunchtime leaders clubs started today, more clubs starting including Art Club, Sewing Club etc.
Approachability Negativity towards parents & children Group to explore this further to include Headteacher, Office Staff & Governors – extend brief to include all public relations activities
Behaviour Inconsistent approach by staff, Lots of work to review and clarify policies, teachers need to be given freedom to use their professional judgement where necessary. No warnings given Issues not dealt with appropriately/lack of consequences New reward systems introduced throughout whole school. KS1 using Weather system, with everyone starting on the sun, this gives the children a chance to make a fresh start throughout the day. In KS2, still using the happy/sad side, but every child starts on the happy side. All children seem to be responding to this well.
Lunchtimes Children sitting on benches, on tables now Behaviour of some pupils at Lunchtimes, calmer in dining hall - reorganisation, new equipment bring bought, improved communication between lunchtime supervisors, Lunchtime leaders restarting.
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