UMass Academic Health Center Strategic Planning Task Force October 16-18, 2007 Revised 11/01/07
Identified Needs Onboarding process identified lack of joint planning between Health Center and the School, as well as between the Basic Science Faculty and Clinical Faculty Onboarding process revealed there was no enterprise level plan for a UMass Academic Health Center
How do we build our plan? Process needs to be collaborative and inclusive Process needs to look beyond formal, legal boundaries of the School and Clinical System Process should address the divergence among parts of the organization
Step 1: Leadership Retreat 40 Participants from across the Academic Health Center met for 3 days in October This group included the Executive teams from both the School and the Clinical System, as well as Clinical Science and Basic Science Chairs
Participants Dario Altieri, MD Donna Ambrosino, MD David Ayers, MD Harrison Ball, MD George Brenckle, PhD Anthony Carruthers, PhD Michael F. Collins, MD Walter Ettinger, MD Marianne Felice, MD Joseph Ferrucci, MD Robert Finberg, MD TJ Fitzgerald, MD Terence Flotte, MD Michael Green, MD, PhD Allan Jacobson, PhD Robert Jenal Todd Keating Nancy Kruger, DNSc, RN Daniel Lasser, MD, MPH Cheryl Lapriore Demetrius Litwin, MD Randall Long, MD, PhD Thomas Manning C. Robert Matthews, PhD Craig Mello, PhD Joyce Murphy John O'Brien Judy Ockene, PhD Charles Pagnam Kathleen Powers Michele Pugnaire, MD Kenneth Rock, MD Paulette Seymour - Route, PhD Gary Stein, PhD Richard Stanton Michele Streeter John Sullivan, MD Andrew Sussman, MD Stephen Tosi, MD Gregory Volturo, MD Douglas Ziedonis, MD, MPH
What took place? Participants were presented with a set of reference material to ensure everyone was on the same page Participants had the opportunity to bring current issues, potential barriers, and potential solutions forward Participants then crafted solutions and work groups to start the strategic planning process
Outcomes Consensus and Commitment to structure and work as a joint enterprise: a true Academic Health Center Discussion of a process and structure to develop one Strategic Plan, building off existing plans and creating needed plans for other areas
Structure: UMass Academic Health Center Strategic Planning Task Force Work Groups 1. Faculty and Leadership Development 2. Clinical Care 3. Education 4. Research 5. Public Service 6. Acting as a Single Enterprise
Public Service UMass Academic Health Center Strategic Planning Task Force UMass Academic Health Center Strategic Planning Task Force Faculty and Leadership Development Finance Environmental Scan Faculty Council Research Acting as a Single Enterprise Education Clinical Care Chairs Council Chancellor’s Executive Staff/ Department Heads Chancellor’s Executive Staff/ Department Heads Educational Policy Committee Educational Policy Committee Executive Council Scientific Council Scientific Council UMMHC Executive Staff/Senior Management Team UMMHC Executive Staff/Senior Management Team UMMHC Board UMMHC Board SOM, GSN, GSBS, Three Schools Committees SOM, GSN, GSBS, Three Schools Committees J.Ockene D.Ziedonis A.Sussman D.Ayers M.Pugnaire R.Long R.Finberg J.Sullivan D.Lasser J.Murphy T.Manning T.Keating
Step 2: Moving Forward Strategic Planning Task Force will: – establish goals for the planning effort – coordinate the efforts of the work groups – identify and allocate resource needs to support the planning effort
Step 3: Moving Forward The Work Groups will – review the charges established by the retreat participants – forward a recommended final charge and work plan to the Strategic Planning Task Force for its consideration – create an interim report by February 1, 2008 for review by the Strategic Planning Task Force and campus constituencies Work Groups will prepare final reports by May 1, 2008 Task Force will integrate Work Group reports to create the Strategic Plan by May 15, 2008
Overall Timeline: Start Date: October 16 th, 2007 Task Force populated by October 19 th, 2007 Working groups commence November 1, 2007 Working Groups draft reports by February 1, 2008 Working Group final reports due by May 1, 2008 Strategic Plan developed: May 15 th, 2008