Problem-Based Learning Project EDA 6061 November 14, 2009 Team Heron
Summary of Problem Hickory High school is faced with multiple issues on administrative, staffing, and student performance levels Superintendent is to ensure that Hickory High staff develop a plan of action with a common direction, work together in a supportive manner, with the time and power needed to develop reforms and deliver on plans
Crucial Issues in Reform School Climate Building Relationships The Change Process
Leadership Response Superintendent creates district level team including Director of Curriculum and Staff Development and Director of Technology Collaborative decision is made to implement Professional Learning Communities district-wide Hickory High school will be pilot site
Addressing School Climate Why Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)? Key research points here
Key Components of PLCs Guided viewing of non-example and example of PLC planning meeting While watching the video, note ideas that you:
Steps Toward Shifting Thinking Principal O’Connor’s move toward excellent leadership as a motivating force for his staff begins with his buy-in, which will be fostered by the District Leadership Team through: Notoriety of selection as pilot site National Training for Hickory High PLC Leadership Team Implementation fully funded and supported by district and university affiliation
Steps Toward Shifting Thinking Recognition via: presentation to school board press conference use of pilot model data to drive district’s 5-year plan for total implementation of PLCs
The Change Process Educators will change the way they view leadership when engaging in practices such as collaboration, distributed leadership, and participatory decision-making (Doyle, 2004)
Collaboration Well-balanced school leadership team to include new and veteran teachers from each subject department Attending national training will foster bond of shared experiences to build foundation of respect and collaboration
Distributed Leadership Loss of control and excess uncertainty as a reason for resistance to change (Kanter) Leadership Team will share collective wisdom with all staff Roles as leaders will include acting as liaison between subject departments and administration
Participatory Decision-Making Leadership Team: Determines best method to present change to staff Creates school-wide training Selects meeting schedule and level of support
Conditions for Change in School Climate Open Communication More people tune into the environment when they are aware that they can: Communicate regularly Have access to answers Feel safe questioning decisions made (Kanter, Change Toolkit)
Addressed at Hickory High by... Clearly communicated procedures for addressing issues within PLC structure Begin with PLC team leader, if not resolved, he/she goes to school leadership team for recommendations For school-wide issues, faculty will collaboratively decide how to address issue using the leadership team’s recommendations
Conditions for Change in School Climate Loss of routine – people will resist change when they feel that they are losing their routine and more work has been added (Kanter)
Addressed at Hickory High by... PLC model lessens workload: Formerly separate meetings are combined (grade levels and departments together) Meetings have clear purpose and outcomes
Building Relationships The key to building relationships is recognizing each other’s expertise and how it can help to build a community Symbiotic relationship where everyone contributes and everyone benefits -Doyle
Building Relationships School-wide training by leadership team 1 week before contract (details of that plan) Break into department teams – analyze data, discuss needs, decide on path Create collaborative atmosphere – each PLC group posts lessons on sharepoint
Building Relationships Incorporate lessons in PLC that utilize technology effectively High School classes should focus on use of internet for research and presentations (cite tech book)
Building Relationships Plan for Participation – Implement PLCs, increase comfort level, determine new school vision