Culturally Nuanced Learning: Variations in Learning Style and Communication Nolan Zane, Ph.D. University of California, Davis Department of Psychology Asian American Center on Disparities Research
Cultural Competence in Education Cultural Competence: The ability of a person to function effectively in a particular cultural context or situation Aspects of cultural competence: Cognitive competence Affective competence Role competence
Challenges for Achieving Cultural Competence Often it is difficult to understand how culture affects one’s behavior since much of one’s cultural lifestyle involves ingrained habits and over-learned behaviors. Much of what we know about another culture is distal from the actual processes that occur between client and therapist.
Student Learning Styles: Field Dependent vs. Field Independent Field DEPENDENT StudentsField INDEPENDENT Students Sees relationships within broad general distinctions Makes specific concept distinctions where concepts do not overlap Benefits from group learning environmentBenefits from individual learning environment Learns material best if it is relevant to their lives Can learn new material “for the sake of learning” Prefers externally defined goals/reinforcements Prefers defining their own goals and reinforcements without external influence Prefers organization to be provided to themPrefers creating their own structure/organization Greatly affected by criticismLess affected by criticism Benefits from observationBenefits from actively testing hypotheses
Field Dependent vs. Field Independent Instructor Teaching Styles Field DEPENDENT TeachersField INDEPENDENT Teachers Promotes student interaction and discussionPrefers lectures Uses questions to check student learning after instruction Uses questions to introduce new topics Uses student-centered activitiesUses teacher-organized activities Prefers teaching the “facts”Promotes application of new principles Provides more contextualized feedback; avoids negative evaluation among peers Promotes corrective feedback; is able to use negative feedback among peers Strong ability to establish a warm and personal learning environment Strong ability to organize and guide student learning
Field Dependent vs. Field Independent Methods of Motivating Students Field DEPENDENT StudentsField INDEPENDENT Students Verbal praiseGrades Helping the teacherCompetition External rewards (stickers, stars, prizes)Providing choice of activities and ability to chose own goals Demonstrating the value of the learned material to others Demonstrating that the learned material is valuable to them Providing structure and outlinesProviding freedom to design their own structure and methodology
Dimensions of Culture Three important dimensions: Role Relations Power distance -- large or small Need for Security Uncertainty Avoidance -- strong or weak Personal Values and Identity Individualism vs. collectivism
Role Relations: Power Distance The extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations expect and accept that power is distributed unequally This understanding is transferred to children by parents and other elders. Large PDSmall PD Teachers are gurus, transferring personal wisdom Teachers are experts, transferring impersonal truths Student depend on teachers Teachers treat students as equals Students treat teachers with respect Students treat teachers as equals Teacher initiates communication Student initiates some conversation Teacher-centered education Student-centered education
Uncertainty Avoidance (UA) The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous, unknown situations. NOT risk avoidance. Risk causes fear, whereas uncertainty causes anxiety. Strong UAWeak UA Students want to know the right answer Students want a good discussion Teachers are seen as the experts Teachers may say “I don’t know” Emotions should be controlled Emotions can be expressed in class Emphasis to adhere to norms Tolerance for differences in class Teachers inform parents Teachers involve parents
Personal Values and Identity: Individualism vs. Collectivism Individualism: Societies in which the ties between individuals are loose – “be your own person.” Collectivism: Societies in which individuals from birth onward are part of strong in-groups that last a lifetime. Group’s goals supercede personal goals. CollectivistIndividualist Purpose of education: learning how to do things Purpose of education: “learning how to learn” Encourages student collaboration Encourages student initiation Students speak only when allowed/asked Students expected to speak up in class Students group through in-group Students group according to interest Diplomas = higher status in group Diplomas = $ worth and self-respect