Introduction to the Summer School format Renewable Energy Systems: role and use of Parliamentary Technology Assessment Benedikt Rosskamp, SPIRAL, ULg Liège, 26th of June 2012
An original concept Targeted at Users of TA … In non-PTA countries What is TA ? Who are they ? ≠ target groups –Policy-makers –Science & Technology Community –Civil Society –Media Not a typical Research Summer School
Raising awareness & capacity building Who is sitting next to you? ≠ countries, ≠ professions, ≠ expertise, ≠ interests Renewable Energy Systems –Technologies: biofuel, carbon capture, e-mobililty, storage, mining, wave energy, … –Actors: industry, research, NGO, policy actors, … –Approaches: public policy, modelling, LCA, ethics, urban planning, economics, communication, monitoring, policy-advise, participation, … Establish a common ground Politics SocietyS&T
Overall learning process Lectures in plenary Connected to workshops (on RES) Slip in two groups –Global Citizens on Renewables –Renewables for Cities Presentations
Mutual learning: Plenary lectures from senior professionals in the field of TA –Tuesday: Johan Evers (IST): Technology Assessment of Renewable Energy Systems : an Introduction Antonio Moniz (KIT/ITAS): Problem Definition and TA Research Design –Wednesday Danielle Bütschi (TA-Swiss): The Methods Toolbox for Technology Assessment : from Science to Dialogue Jurgen Ganzevles (Rathenau Institute): Communication Work and the strive for Impact – Lessons from the Energy in 2030 Project –Thursday Paidi O’Reilly (UCC): Concluding Remarks from a Non-TA Country: Insight and future directions –Q&A + lecturers circulate in groups
TA is about interdisciplinarity Set up and simulate a TA project plan throughout different phases –Problem definition and TA research design, methods, communication & impact. Split up the group (equal & according to expressed interests) Two different TA projects (diversity of practices) –Johan Evers (facilitator: Global Citizens on Renewable Energies) –Jurgen Ganzevles (facilitator: Renewables for Cities) Working instructions –Simulate to role of a TA board or steering committee (composition) –Merge expertise and resources of participants (interdisciplinarity) –Envelopes from the bingo game (roles) Mutual learning: connected Workshops
Workshops – Each Group 3 Sessions according to some main phases of TA (problem definition, methods, communication & impact) –1h25 –5 minutes reporting to plenary Possibility of spitting up the group in sub-entities 3 Assigned roles ( project-manager & 2 assistants, communication manager) 1 Finalisation (template) 1 Presentation (sell your project)
Lessons learned Presentations (see what the other group did : diversity) Concluding lecture (wrap up the learning's and future outlooks) Evaluation Keep in touch Other PACITA activities –European TA conference (Prague, March 13-15, 2013) –Cross-EU projects –Summer School 2 –VolTA
Good work!