CompSci 105 SS 2005 Principles of Computer Science Lecture 1 Lecturer: Santokh Singh
Introduction to the Course Lecturer Course Overview Teaching Style Policies Numbers in the Computer Magnitude Prefixes Representing information in a machine Binary representation of integers
“Welcome to COMPSCI 105 ” Santokh’s Contact Details: Office: Room th floor new science bldg. (City) Telephone: Santokh
Office Hours See COMPSCI 105SS 2005 web pages for details and updates. Brief discussions before and after all lectures.
COMPSCI 105 SS Team 2005 Lecturer & Supervisor: Santokh Singh Tutor: Cheung Ling Kelly Yu
Introduction to the Course Lecturer Course Overview Teaching Style Policies Numbers in the Computer Magnitude Prefixes Representing information in a machine Binary representation of integers
COMPSCI 101 : Principles of Computer Programming
COMPSCI 105 : Principles of Computer Science
Data Structures Algorithms
Introduction to the Course Lecturer Course Overview Teaching Style Policies Numbers in the Computer Magnitude Prefixes Representing information in a machine Binary representation of integers
Summer School More intense Fewer Lecture Hours Better Staff/Student Ratio Better Weather (hopefully ;-)
Two Books TextbookCourse Book
The Course Book One free printed and bound copy per student
The Textbook Carrano and Prichard, “Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with JAVA: Walls and Mirrors”, Addison-Wesley, (Can also use 2001 Edition, shown above) Available from UBS
Lectures Outlines Readings Focus Questions
Tutorials 9 Assessed 1 “Optional” Worth 8% Outlines, Readings, Focus Questions
Assignments Due on Friday of: Week 2 Week 3 Week 5 Worth 17% total
Test and Exam Test, Week 4, Worth 10% Exam, Worth 65%
Class Reps Need one from each of the tutorials. Their names and contact details will be posted on the course web page.
Introduction to the Course Lecturer Course Overview Teaching Style Policies Numbers in the Computer Magnitude Prefixes Representing information in a machine Binary representation of integers
2,000 meters 2 kilometers 2 x 10 3 meters
Peta ,000,000,000,000,000 Tera ,000,000,000,000 Giga ,000,000,000 Mega ,000,000 Kilo ,000 Milli Micro Nano Pico Femto
How long does light take to travel 30cm? About a millisecond (10 -3 ) About a microsecond (10 -6 ) About a nanosecond (10 -9 ) About a picosecond ( ) About a femtosecond ( ) Speed of light is approximately 3 x 10 8 m/s.
Introduction to the Course Lecturer Course Overview Teaching Style Policies Numbers in the Computer Magnitude Prefixes Representing information in a machine Binary representation of integers
Human Symbols (Characters) …ABCDEFGH…£*∞®™§¶&…♠♣♥♦♪♫☺♂… …ABCDEFGH…£*∞®™§¶&…♠♣♥♦♪♫☺♂…
Binary Symbols (Bits) 01
int i = 2173; float f = ; String s = “Anything!”;
One Bit Two Patterns: 1 0
Two Bits Four Patterns:
Three Bits Eight Patterns:
Three Bits Eight Patterns:
n Bits 1 bit2 things 2 bits4 things 3 bits8 things 4 bits16 things 5 bits32 things n bits
How many bits do I need to assign a unique bit pattern to everyone in the class?
How many bits for x things? Need b bits, where 2 b-1 < x and 2 b ≥ x
Exponents and Logarithms b e = x log b x = e
How many bits for x things? log 2 x
Course Book Notes for this section are in the Course Book:- Pages : Numbers in the Computer Pages : Data Representations
Late Enrolment Fee if ( not_enrolled_by_deadline){ liable_to_pay_$50_extra_fee (“not covered by Student Loans”); }. // Welcome again & enjoy COMPSCI 105 // SS 2005.