DOI update on progress Norman Paskin DOIs and journal publishing Ed Pentz, CrossRef DOIs and book publishing David Sidman, CDI [DOIs and non-English language publishing] see Enpia Systems stand 1.1 L 1105 DOIs and learning objects John Purcell, LON DOIs and rights management Norman Paskin Summary, Q&A DOI implementations doi>
DOI Update 2001 doi> DOI commercial implementations
Persistent identification –Not just a location –Permanent, trackable, name –Stays the same if ownership, location, control changes –No need to update customers if location changes Can incorporate existing identifiers –Standard e.g. ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, SICI, ISRC –Non-standard / public e.g. PII –Private e.g. workflow, internal production –Assigned by the publisher –or on his behalf Can integrate with existing internal and external systems –Sales, royalty, stock, analysis, etc –Web sites, etc. Features and benefits of DOI doi>
Automated link from DOI to any (and multiple) data –e.g. Multiple locations; purchase options; additional info; access control See DOI-EB for a demonstration –controlled globally by the publisher. –can be used globally by an intermediary, customer, etc. –No other system can do this Build your own custom features: entirely extensible architecture Generic applicability; any form of intellectual property, any granularity (text, music, audio..) –ensure interoperability Uses existing standards; ensures long term use Features and benefits of DOI doi>
Promotes use of material in a legal, controllable, manner Proven, implemented, real system in use now Proven defence against new entrants –The best defence: better features, better services, by legitimate routes - Demonstrated unique additional features –Multiple resolution; See DOI-EB work Low risk, low cost, standard solution –Not a proprietary system; available at low cost –controlled by neutral, not-for-profit Foundation with single aim. –Built on open standards; allows use of existing standards –Comprehensive effort reduces risk of "dead-end": Asia as well as EU, US; multimedia e.g. text, music, software Business benefits doi>
POLICIES Any form of identifier NUMBERING DESCRIPTION framework: DOI can describe any form of intellectual property, at any level of granularity ACTION Handle resolution allows a DOI to link to any and multiple pieces of current data doi> extensible
Coordinated work to support efficient operation: –Governance –Refine operational rules –Development of standards for application building –Development of additional features, tools Promotion and publicity to ensure deployment and avoid fragmentation Work with other activities to prevent conflicts and promote efficiency –Standards bodies, consortia, etc (w3C, IETF, OEBF, MPEG, ISO, SIIA, XML, XrML, etc. ) doi> What more is needed now?
Membership support to provide finance for the work Membership grew consistently to 2001; –renewed effort now necessary to complete work membership supports development as operating federation gradually takes over basis of business model proven model in other sectors (Visa, ISBN, EAN/UPC); community invests now to get benefit for all Business model demonstrated as sustainable: –Deployment paper –financial model for scenario building (RA Working Group) doi> What is needed now?
Ensure the DOI is widely implemented –Underpinning of consistent rules, infrastructure, and wide uptake Ensure content community sets standards –Technology standards are not enough (Napster) –Strong lead by publishing industry - text as the lead carrier, but supports audio, video, etc –No other existing forum is doing this: W3C, OEBF, MPEG21 etc. all looking at parts Common community platform: –DOI results from extensive work by AAP, IPA, STM (1995+) IDF has strong lead, recognised position, and support. –Build on what has been achieved Promote collaboration –Content and technology communities are represented –interoperate with others; reduce costs, prevent mistakes Facilitate building of specific added-value services. Why support IDF? doi>
Cost-effective access to digital commerce expertise: –Membership cost is equivalent to 2-3 days per month of one consultant (even at highest membership level) –Detailed monthly briefings Preferential access to business opportunities: –IDF makes connections between members and potential applications: explore at low risk possible business opportunities –Early access to results of prototypes, plans –Shared ownership of IDF output (data dictionaries, future developments) Share cost of development of prototypes: –Costs can be shared by participants rather than by one company Influence the course of the IDF: –participate in working groups, annual meeting, prototypes, board –share in use of resulting technologies The benefits of standards: reduced risk, increased speed. Benefits of supporting IDF doi>
International DOI Foundation –Not-for-profit communal effort; paid membership support –Members own and control DOI effort Open to all interested parties Governance by board elected from members Membership fees: –$30,000 per annum –$10,000 for small /not-for-profit members –[$5000 per annum for non-member affiliates] Membership support will enable us to put self- funding operating federation in place How to support IDF doi>
Provide a simple one-stop DOI solution for a community An additional business opportunity for some members Build on the features and acceptance of the system –build on existing services or offer new services –management of content, management of metadata, etc. RAs may build as little or as much as they wish on this –simple assignment, through to a wide range of services RAs determine their own fate: –IDF provides federal structure for infrastructure, predictable costs and governance model –open market structure for applications Business opportunity is a shared risk: –DOI service supported by multiple RAs and multiple applications –Shared costs of the infrastructure –common infrastructure encourages common added-value tools Registration Agencies doi>
Information Identification - IPA/STM ; Uniform File Identifiers - AAP (1995)..need to unify in one scheme music, audiovisual, document management, internet engineering, digital libraries, copyright registration and object based software..maximise utility of digital objects; enable core interoperability; enable integration of disparate sourced data; ability to trace ownership to manage rights requirements: –protect legacy investments –enable interoperability –provide link between digital and physical –maintain privacy of users –have persistence –standard syntax –global scalability –global uniqueness –global meaning doi> DOI delivers all this A consistent call by the publishing industry
Further information doi> Norman Paskin The International DOI Foundation