Framework Agreement for: Waste Management Reference: BA-EFM009 Framework Duration: 15 December 2011 to 14 December 2014 (12 month option to extend)
Overview of the Framework Agreement Open to all Universities and Colleges in Scotland Appointed and pre-qualified Service Providers Up to Six Service Providers per Waste Stream Schedule for each geographical lot Mixture of National and Local Service Providers Total of 23 Service Providers (including 2 Councils) 5 Waste Stream Schedules across 11 geographical lots. Schedule A - Non Hazardous Waste, Recyclates and Recoverables Schedule B – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Associated Materials Schedule C – Chemical Waste Schedule D – Clinical and Biological Waste (including Medical waste) Schedule E – Radioactive Waste & Materials
Waste Hierarchy Eliminate Avoid production of waste
Waste Streams – Schedule A - Non Hazardous Waste, Recyclates and Recoverables Waste Elements and MaterialsAssociated Added Value Services General Waste (Landfill) Food Waste Grass Cuttings and other non-recyclable garden and plant matter Animal Bedding (non-contaminated) Miscellaneous Confidential Waste Recyclates & Recoverables Waste Audits Measurement of Waste Substance & material identification / classification On-site shredding Containerisation / Skip Hire Tanker Hire Provision of training and promotion of best practices, including publicity materials
Waste Streams – Schedule B – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Associated Materials Waste Elements and MaterialsAssociated Added Value Services Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Batteries Miscellaneous Waste Audits Measurement of Waste Substance & material identification / classification On-site destruction (Hard Drives and other media storage) Containerisation / Skip Hire Provision of training and promotion of best practices, including publicity materials
Waste Streams – Schedule C – Chemical Waste Waste Elements and MaterialsAssociated Added Value Services Laboratory Chemicals (Toxic & Non-toxic) Miscellaneous Laboratory Waste Janitorial and Estates Chemicals Compressed Gasses Non Edible Oil Professional Services Waste Audits Measurement of Waste Provision of portable containers Containerisation / Skip Hire Provision of training and promotion of best practices, including publicity materials
Waste Streams – Schedule D - Clinical and Biological Waste Waste Elements and MaterialsAssociated Added Value Services Human tissue Human body fluids & excreta Material or items contaminated with human tissue or body fluids/excreta (e.g. swabs, tissues, gloves etc) that is offensive or hazardous Animal carcasses, parts/tissue that are Animal By-Products (Animal By-Products (Scotland) Regulations 2003 (as amended) Animal carcasses, parts/tissue that are not Animal By-Products (Animal By-Products (Scotland) Regulations 2003 (as amended) Material or items contaminated with animal tissue or other materials (including Animal By-Products) Material or items contaminated with animal body fluids/excreta (e.g. swabs, gloves etc) that is offensive or hazardous. Contaminated animal bedding that is Special waste Sharps Medical Waste Laboratory culture waste HEPA filters (e.g. from laminar flow cabinets and ventilation systems) Pharmaceuticals and Controlled drugs Items contaminated by pharmaceuticals and controlled drugs Soil samples contaminated with hazardous biological material miscellaneous biological waste Waste Audits Measurement of Waste Substance & material identification / classification Provision of portable Containers Provision of training and promotion of best practices, including publicity materials
Waste Streams – Schedule E – Radioactive Waste & Materials Waste Elements and MaterialsAssociated Added Value Services Radioactive Waste Radio Chemicals Contaminated materials Sharps Professional Services Waste Audits Measurement of Waste Provision of portable Containers Provision of training and promotion of best practices, including publicity materials
Operation of Framework Agreement Call off (selection of Service provider) by mini-competition : Further Tender exercise / Quick Quote (depending on complexity of requirement) Ability to focus on delivery of services and main requirements Pre-agreed T&Cs: Any additional requirement to be covered in Statement of Requirement issued at time of mini-competition Pre-agreed performance levels and response timescales : Set Minimum Standards that can be altered at the time of mini-competition if desired
Geographical Lotting Region Region Ref No.InstitutionRegion Region Ref No.Institution Highlands & Morayshire 1 Inverness College, Moray College, North Highland College, West Highland College, UHI Stirlingshire7 Forth Valley College, University of Stirling Greater Glasgow8 Glasgow Kelvinside College, West College Scotland, Coatbridge College, New Lanarkshire College, North Glasgow College, South Lanarkshire College Islands2 Lews Castle College, Sabhal Mor Ostaig Aberdeen & Grampian Highlands 3 Robert Gordon University, University of Aberdeen, North East Scotland College, Banff and Buchan College, Scottish Agricultural College (Craibstone Campus) Glasgow City9 Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow Clyde College (formerly Langside, Cardonlad and Anniesland Colleges), Royal Conservatiore of Scotland (RSAMD), University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde, City of Glasgow College Perth, Angus, Dundee 4 University of Abertay, University of Dundee, Dundee & Angus College, Perth College Fife5 Fife College, SRUC Fife Campus, University of St Andrews West of Scotland10 Ayrshire College, University of West of Scotland, University of West of Scotland Edinburgh & Lothians 6 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh College, Heriot Watt University, Newbattle Abbey College, Queen Margaret University, SRUC Main Campus, University of Edinburgh, West Lothian College South Scotland11 SRUC Dumfries Campus (Formerly Barony College), Borders College, Dumfries & Galloway College, University of Glasgow - Crighton Campus, University of West of Scotland - Crighton Campus
Geographical Lotting & Appointed Suppliers Lot 1 Highlands & Morayshire Lot 2 Islands Lot 3 Aberdeen & Grampian Lot 4 Angus, Dundee & Perth Lot 5 Fife Lot 6 Edinburgh & Lothians Lot 7 Stirlingshire Lot 8 Greater Glasgow Lot 9 Glasgow City Lot 10 West of Scotland Lot 11 South of Scotland Biffa CCL North Ecosystems DJ LaingEcosystems EnvirocoMitieEISEcosystemsEnviroco MitiePHSEnviroco Fife CouncilGrundon Glasgow City CouncilGrundon Healthcare Evironmental PHS Pure IT Recycling Healthcare EvironmentalGrundon Healthcare Evironmental Grundon Healthcare EvironmentalMitie Pure IT RecyclingRDCMitie Healthcare Evironmental Mitie Healthcare EvironmentalMitiePHS RDCTES-AMMPHSMitie PHS MitiePHS Pure IT Recycling TES-AMMVeolia Pure IT RecyclingPHS Pure IT Recycling PHS Pure IT RecyclingRDC VeoliaWEEERDC Pure IT Recycling RDCSRCLRDCPure IT RecyclingRDCSRCL WEEE SITARDC SRCLTES-AMMSRCLRDCSRCLTES-AMM William TraceySRCL TES-AMMVeoliaSRCL TES-AMMVeolia TES-AMM VeoliaViridorTES-AMM VeoliaWEEE TWMAVeolia ViridorWEEEVeolia Viridor William Tracey VeoliaWEEEViridorWEEE William TraceyViridor WEEE William TraceyWEEE William Tracey Wylie RecyclingWEEE William Tracey Wylie Recycling William Tracey Wylie Recycling
Aim and Benefits of the Framework Agreement Aim of Agreement Provide efficient and compliant quality service Reduce or restrict costs Reduction of disposal to Landfill Promotion of waste reduction and recycling initiatives and stakeholder education Service Delivery Set Standard Working Hours with the ability to provide services out of normal working hours Maximum call-out response times for different waste streams Duty of Care requirements Adherence to and promotion of practices to comply with and meet targets from Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and Scotland’s zero waste plan (and proposed regulations). Account Management Updates on legislation changes, best practice and market innovation Pro-active approach to managing the contract. Service improvements, complaint resolution, etc. Reporting & MI Staffing & Training
Spend overview
Contract Uptake and Issues 70% of the Institutions indicate using/will use the Framework Agreement 30% Institutions have other contracts in place Insufficient Coverage of Schedules in Lots High costs to remote areas and local council offering service Contamination rates Separation requirements
Re-tender of the Framework Agreement User Intelligence Group (UIG) input and feedback from Institutions crucial Legislation Update Opportunity Analysis + Added Value Re-structuring (Schedules and Lotting)
Framework Information Access UniBuy: Contact Information Appointment of Supplier in each Waste Stream T&Cs Guidance on how to conduct further competition Sharepoint Framework Agreement Tender Documents and Evaluation Contact Information: Ricarda Bieke Procurement Manager