FNSSP Presentation Sioux Lookout February 3, 2010
INAC Decision Letter
Approved Budget for = $3,000,000 Immersion, Bilingual & Bicultural activities should be deferred for future implementation Data Management System not eligible Focus to be only on three priority areas: –School Success Planning –Student Learning Assessments –Performance Measurement
Key Activities by Category
School Success Planning Development of School Success Planning model: –Field testing of KERC model in selected schools –Field testing of Effective Schools model in selected schools –Implementation of Completed School Success Plans Deliverables: –School Success Plans –Refinement of Model(s) –Implementation of Completed Plans
Performance Measurement Initial development activities for draft NAN Outcome Performance Indicators for Elementary, Integrated & Secondary Schools Implementation of School Data Systems –Selection of NAN School Data System –School Based Training, Implementation & Support Deliverables –Progress Report on development of Performance Indicators –Implementation of School Data systems in X schools
Student Learning Assessments Initiate development of an assessment framework that encompasses both classroom assessments and standardized testing –Literature Review –Field Testing A schedule of pilot implementation of the assessment framework Deliverables –Literature Review –Preliminary Report on Assessment Framework
Draft Participating Organizations’ Responsibilities
Nishnawbe Aski Nation Liaison with Partners of the FNSSP Project Management of ongoing communication and joint planning with all Participating Organizations Ongoing management of FNSSP funding allocation and work plan Development of Funding Agreement templates Reporting to INAC
KERC Lead on Performance Measurement for Elementary and Integrated Schools Field testing in schools of School Success Planning model Implementation of School Success Plans in Schools Literature Review on Student Learning Assessments
NNEC Performance Measurement for Secondary Schools School Success Planning for Secondary Schools
Kuhkenah Network (KNET) Implementation of School Data Systems –Selection of School Data System –School Based Training, Implementation & Support for Communities
Current Status
1.0 FNSSP Management & Administration The Work Plan for the Project 1.1 Make adjustments to work plan to take into account changes that might be needed Adjustments made in November, 2009 for the last 3 months of Year 1 Completed
–Recruit and hire FNSSP Project Manager NAN FNSSP Coordinator Staffing Underway –Set up and run office Currently, Kathy Beardy is the Acting FNSSP Coordinator Recruitment will begin this month to have a FNSSP Coordinator in place by the end of the fiscal year
2.0 Management of the Work plan to ensure that it is implemented on time and on budget –Ongoing review of work plan with monthly reports on issues and adjustments required Ongoing review in progress FNSSP Project Team is monitoring Work plan & Preparing required reports –Provide quarterly reports Dec. 31 report complete Next report to be completed at the end of March
–Annual review at DEPC and report for INAC Targeted for next quarter Annual review and report to be completed
3.0 Monitoring and Evaluation of the FNSSP funding 3.1 Review with INAC evaluation needs and develop plan Targeted for next quarter Yr 2 budget & work plan done To be completed as per work plan
On-going challenges with the overall FNSSP Letter written to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada expressing concern Funding was extremely delayed and was not received at NAN until mid-December Worked with all partners to get agreements signed and funding flowing All partners have now received ¾ of the budget for this fiscal year
On-going Challenges Have requested to INAC Education/ FNSSP Manager and INAC Funding Services that at a minimum there needs to be ¼ of funding advanced to ensure continuity of the program Year Two work plan has been submitted no response to date
Contact Information Kathy Beardy, Acting FNSSP Coordinator, , Dobi-Dawn Frenette, Education Coordinator/Advisor, , Bentley Cheechoo, Governance Director, , Valerie Nabigon, Executive Assistant, ,