1 The Initial Report Preparation Guidelines
2 The Initial Report u Definition of project scope u Project aims and objectives u Initial project plan
3 Initial Report - Definition of project scope u introduction to the subject area u current research and/or developments in the field u identify a gap (something worth doing) u identify how your work fills this gap (or at least makes some progress towards this)
4 Initial Report - Project Aims and Objectives u Aim a broad statement of intent that defines your project’s purpose identifies, at the highest level, what you hope to achieve overall »e.g. “To re-engineer an existing Transportation Management System using web technology in order that access, functionality and efficiency are improved”
5 Initial Report - Project Aims and Objectives u Objective specific measurable achievements you need to make that move you towards your project aim. they will direct your work activity e.g. »To investigate and evaluate the current system and identify where aspects of web technology could be best employed. »To design a system using the latest ….. »To implement the system based on the client/server model. »…
6 Initial Report - Initial Project Plan Points to consider… u should focus on outcomes and deliverables of your project e.g. literature review, requirements specification, prototype, EoS presentation. u should reflect your approach / technical strategy : »incremental development? waterfall? prototyping? spiral approach? UML? SSADM? u resources hardware, software, documentation, data files,... u project milestones key dates (report hand-in, prototype available, finish coding, …) u activity durations and dates
7 Initial Report - Initial Project Plan Format: u listing of project activities, with start date, end date and duration u explanation of each activity, if required u graphical summary of plan in form of bar chart (e.g. via MS Project)
8 Initial Report One possible structure: u Title page Project title, name, student number, supervisor name, course and date u Introduction project background current research and developments in project area where your project fits in u Aims and objectives amplified as necessary u Project plan proposed approach, resources required, activity plan size: in the region of 4-6 pages format: title page + body of report, stapled
9 Summary u Initial Report to be submitted to Project Supervisor and Me Deadline is End of Week 5, Semester 1. u You should receive feedback from your supervisor Usually within two weeks of submission u Complete a Risk Assessment form for your project Available on the module website Deadline is End of Week 5, Semester 1. Leave complete form in the School Office (16G24) for me to collect Any questions, consult your supervisor
10 The Interim Report The Project Monitoring and Control Report
11 Revisit the Planning Parameters identified in your Initial Report Monitor u Schedule u Resources u Commitments u Risks u Stakeholder Involvement u Any other parameters identified in your plan Then u Analyse any issues u Report on the corrective action taken u Update objectives if necessary u Update Gantt chart 4-6 pages