Carmichael Watson Collection Centred on the papers of folklorist Alexander Carmichael ( ) Carmina Gadelica – anthology of Celtic culture Environment history & culture of the Outer Hebrides Tales, ballads, historical narratives, songs, hymns, charms, anecdotes & observations Not only relevant for Gaelic Scholars –history, theology, place-names, botany, archaeology, environmental studies, geography
Carmichael Watson Project Limited accessibility & exploitation Need to open up material for all by creation of on-line resources. Need to realise research potential External funding essential Planned a phased approach Collaborative partners one of the keys to successful project delivery.
Phased Approach Phase 1Bord na Gaidhlig£5k2005Scoping Study 2 Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland £30k2006-7Intermediate Pilot 2.1 Internal Funding£1k2007Condition Survey 3AHRC£500k Research & Resource Development Project 3.1NMCT£2.8k Conservation Work 4The Leverhume Trust£ Carmichael in Context
Phase 1 - Scoping Preliminary Scoping Study (2005) Seed corn funding -Bord na Gailagh (£5K) Examination of Collection and Existing Finding Aids. Revealed requirements for developing the collection Enabled development of methodology and project plan.
Phase 2 Intermediate Pilot Phase ( ) Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (£30k) Testing of methodological principles and practices as required to develop the collection. Exploration of potential for collaborative research and inclusion in teaching. –Programme of dissemination activities. Development of a set of pilot on-line research tools. –on-line catalogue, project website, image creation. Conservation assessment. Evaluation of pilot search tools and website. Feedback from users and peers.
Phase 3 Full Research & Resource Development Phase ( ) AHRC Research Grant (£500k) ‘The authenticity of Carmina Gadelica’ Full dissemination programme including: –Conference, exhibition, production of teaching material, journal articles Resource development –EAD catalogue records, TEI Full text transcriptions, Digital images, EAC Biographical Records, Georeferencing significant sites and locations, full project website Collaboration between CRC & SSC crucial –Cataloguing required to facilitate analysis –Research required to allow fully-informative resources.
Phase 4 ‘Carmichael in Context’ – material cultures ( ) The Leverhume Trust - Research Project Grant (£200k) Collaboration with the West Highland Museum. Enhance existing on-line resources and widen the research angle. Photograph, catalogue & research over 300 items collected by Alexander Carmichael. Brooches, sea bean charms, tartan clothing and furnishings of Jacobite origin, domestic implements and carved stones New cross disciplinary challenges.
Phase 4 Images copyright of Carsten Flieger and used with permission of The Carmichael Watson Project.
Collaborative Partners –School of Scottish Studies –Museum of the West Highlands –EDINA Allows full treatment of the collections –Curatorial expertise, academic research, technical knowledge Project Advisory Group –External institutions, complementary projects, professional peers, technical experts Complementary On-going Research Projects
Future Continue to build upon and develop existing resources. Continued collaboration locally and on an international platform. Continued promotion of collection and dissemination activities. Future funding bids.