Christopher Graham Garnet Education UK
I dont do rhetorical questions !
Not a rhetorical question this one !
Nor this one.....
Another real question !
Take some Knowledge of the Target Study Context and Student needs and and some Highly developed Personal Language Skills and Text Analysis Skills
then mix with The tools to develop Critical Thinking add The ability to understand Content and Disciplinary Differences
and High Cross Cultural sensitivity A supportive view of Student Autonomy The skills to develop Assessment Systems and
A desire to nurture and develop Good Practice in EAP et voila..... a great EAP teacher !
Knowledge of the organizational, educational and communicative policies, practices and conventions of the university. This requires liaison and co-operation, both inter departmental and inter disciplinary. Where do we study ? The language is only one of the keys to success. Academic culture, study skills, critical thinking, autonomy of learning etc etc also are also keys.
Knowledge of the needs of students in relation to their prior learning and thus their current educational expectations An understanding of research - reading and reviewing relevant literature and collecting and analysing data.
A knowledge of discourse analysis The ability to see academic language in a function and discipline-specific context – to think beyond the ELT classroom. Have language skills with a contemporary academic edge. A1 written English.
What is Critical Thinking ?
Students need to demonstrate critical thinking skills and see how they underpin academic practice Teach students critical approaches to knowledge, its evaluation and expansion Make links between critical thinking and study competence explicit for students
Show how students review and evaluate their own learning aims/materials/ activities/assessment in terms of usefulness for future study Use exercises that ask students to analyze, evaluate, assess, conclude, create criteria, share opinions and back them up etc. Show students development in the field
Teachers need to be able to recognize and explore disciplinary differences Teachers need to become aware of discourse communities
Teachers need to work with subject specialists and take account of their approaches to communication of content Teachers need to raise students understanding of discipline-specific text
Study traditions vary. The key parameters are: Degrees of autonomy Methods of delivery Views of authority
Autonomy - apply to your own practice the standards expected of students and other academic staff. Encourage students to work effectively in groups or independently as appropriate. Use new technologies to support autonomous learning
Encourage student autonomy through group activities and individual tutoring Make the link between autonomy and academic study explicit to students Learning activities - guided to facilitated to autonomous Ask students to show how they took responsibility for achieving group tasks
Become familiar with international proficiency tests e.g., IELTS and TOEFL Integrate course objectives, language and skills content with assessment Design or evaluate assessment tools for language and skills for EAP listening, speaking, reading and writing and integrated skills
Give feedback on student performance Use assessment outcomes to inform teaching and learning
The importance of continuing professional development Use appropriate professional terminology Current issues in teaching and researching EAP The importance of critical reflection on own practice
Use academic research and literature to inform own practice and communicate these ideas to colleagues Relate personal approach to teaching to the EAP teaching context Review an article/book/teaching journal or provide evidence for conference presentation or published paper
a brief background
Product Confrontation