Leadership Action Plan EA 746 Dennis Klenow Math Action Research Project (M.A.R.P.) Will exposure to sixth grade math concepts in fifth grade help to increase student success in advanced math classes in middle school?
What is M.A.R.P.? Math Action Research Project – This project was created by a few interested 5 th grade mathematics teachers to meet the need our students with advanced math abilities. – Students were grouped, starting on different dates during this school year, to begin accelerating math curriculum.
M.A.R.P. Teachers independently compacted pre- existing fifth grade mathematics curriculum to provide time to instruct students on sixth grade math concepts that is typically missed by those students placing into accelerated math in sixth grade at Sashabaw Middle School. To learn more about accelerated math, please explore: Accelerated Math.docAccelerated Math.doc
Why is this necessary? All fifth grade teachers in the district will need to brought up to speed for the school year. Fifth grade teachers will need to be aware of created materials that were utilized during the school year. Assessment/grouping/identification procedures will be shared so that a consistent process will be used across elementary feeder schools.
Why is this necessary? Consistency across the seven elementary schools is necessary to ensure fair and impartial identification and placement of students for the M.A.R.P. program. A common message will need to be shared with parents to inform and answer questions relative to the program. One elementary principal will need to be assigned to oversee the project.
The Plan Current M.A.R.P. teachers will need to meet prior to the end of this school year for a half day (approx May 14 th ) to discuss resources created this year, i.e. pacing guides, parent letters, assessment data, selection process, etc. (5 half day substitute teachers required) Math subject area coordinator will post documents on district shared drive to allow access by all educators. Lead teacher from each elementary building will take information back to share during building PLC time with other fifth grade teachers in their building.
The Plan A wiki type blog will be created for those teachers who are part of M.A.R.P. to share thoughts, ideas, or questions with the group and give feedback to each other in order to support the work of this project. Teachers will be able to utilize the blog as a resource if questions arise over the summer break.
The Plan All fifth grade teachers, along with the math subject area coordinator, will meet for a half day at the beginning of the school year. (During PD Week) During this time, teachers will identify the timeline (late September to early October) for assessing fifth grade students (using the Fifth Grade End of Year Assessment) for participation in the M.A.R.P program as well as the date for initiation (mid to late October) of the program. (approx. 1.5 hours)
The Plan Fifth grade teachers will then divide by school and gather necessary student data to identify students using district created matrix. – 4 th Grade End of Year Assessment – 4 th Grade MEAP Test – OLSAT testing (if applicable) – (approx. 1.5 hours)
The Plan In conjunction with the building principal, teachers will meet during weekly building PLC blocks (early October) to look over student data from the multiple sources collected and make decisions about students who will be placed into the M.A.R.P. math class. (1-2 hours)
The Plan Math subject area coordinator will head up conference call for all fifth grade teachers. (early October – approx. 30 minutes) – Teachers will share numbers of students selected for M.A.R.P. class. – Teachers will have an opportunity to ask any questions. – Use of the Wiki page will be reiterated as a resource.
The Plan Teachers will utilize agreed upon compacted curriculum in the Math Trailblazers series along with supplemental resources to cover the necessary fifth grade G.L.C.E.’s. Connected Math 6 will be used when sixth grade concepts are introduced.
The Finish Fifth grade students will participate in placement testing for math (late April). Math subject coordinator will compile results and share with fifth grade teachers (early May). During May developmental day, fifth grade teachers will come together to discuss results of testing, make any final teacher recommendations for student placement regarding sixth grade mathematics, and share thoughts/ideas for the future. (1.5 hours)
Needs 5 – ½ day subs ($250) D-Day time (4.5 hours) No subs required 1-2 hours PLC time Assignment of elementary principal to project Math S.A.C. time/talents – Set up wiki – Head up conference call – Grade 5 th Grade End of Year Assessments