A facility for Nuclear, Atomic, Material and Radiobiology Sciences. Delivering stable (from C to U) and radioactive ions (from He to Xe) in the energy range of meV to 90A MeV. A.C.C. Villari
Stable beams from C to U 0.3A - 1.0A MeV E = 5A A MeV 27A - 95 A MeV RIB: He, N, O, F, Ne, Ar, Kr SPIRAL Today E < 20A keV E = 1.7A - 25A MeV IRRSUD RIB E = 25A - 80A MeV SISSI 3 simultaneous beams at different energies
New nuclei New masses New isomers Radii measurements
Radioctive isotopes produced in the UC x target of SPIRAL2 + high intensity light ions
2. Access to the unknown zone 1. Access to the U fission zone 3. Access to the N=Z region. Fundamental properties, structure, astrophysics, solid state matter, fundamental interactions. 4. Access to transfermium zone. + Acees to domains requesting intense radioactive beams, high intensity stable beams and neutrons.
GANIL, some numbers: Personnel: 240 (21 physicists) Budget: 9M€ Users: 700 (40% out of France) Beam time: in parallel Latest European actions: EXOGAM VAMOS LISE-2000 SPIRAL 2 RTD For SPIRAL 2, the main items For collaboration are:
ECRIS-HI 1mA “SILHI-deuteron” 5mA RFQ A MeV QWSC - LINAC E = 14.5A MeV A/Q = 3 A. Mosnier, project leader Beam power: 300kW
Dedicated low energy experimental room Heavily shielded production cave
Very low energy experimental room Injection to CIME CIME resolution
UCx He d d d n n 5mA, f/s (low density version) 0.3mA, f/s IGISOL, well suited for refractory and short living isotopes. U,Th... thin fissile target
Thick target p,d,HI Fusion-evaporation and transfer reactions residues produced by thick target method (ISOL). HI Thin target separator
Proposition for a Design Study in the 6 th PCRD Some considerations (5): 1.Need of an “intermediate generation” facility in the horizon of Partners. 3.Need of expertise. 4.Part of the developments is also important for EURISOL and ß beams (3) independent beam lines.