1 Title Slide
2 A New 21 st Century Tool – Your Local Perkins Plan Lorrie Toni, Perkins Director Laurie Urich, Business & Marketing Program Director
4 Your Successes: 1. Adapted to new local plan developed in response to audit 2. Adapted to new local plan developed in response to new Perkins Act 3. Invested energy to be leaders
5 Some of CCCS Commitments: 1. Collaborating with you to do what best supports student success 2. Marketing CTE and advocacy 3. Perkins Process Re-engineering
6 Collaborating with you to do what best supports student success: OUR PICTURE OF THE CCCS CTE ADVISORY COUNCILS:
Executive Advisory Committee – Scott Stump CTE Strategic Plan Workgroup – Topic Teams, Scott Stump DEMAND SIDE SUPPLY SIDE SCOPEOFWORKSCOPEOFWORK Sector Advisory Councils – Program Directors CTSO Councils – Assistant Program Directors CTE Data Field Council – Julie Eddy Content Teams, Discipline Teams – Program Directors Credentialing Oversight Committee – Scott Stump Perkins Field Council – Lorrie Toni CAR Report RESULTS/REPORTS/OUTCOMES Vision Action
Information flows in a loop: 1.Input from Workforce, Industry, Demand Side 2.Analysis, Strategies, Technical Assistance, Innovations, Research 3.Field Implementation 4.Results, Reports, Feedback Repeat the Loop 5.Repeat the loop
Executive Advisory Committee- Scott Stump CTE Strategic Plan Workgroup– Scott Stump Sector Advisory Councils – Program Directors CTSO Councils – Assistant Program Directors CTE Data Field Council – Julie Eddy Content Teams – Program Directors Credentialing Oversight Committee – Scott Stump Perkins Field Council – Lorrie Toni COMMUNICATIONS LOOP
10 Marketing CTE and Advocacy: Marketing Kits “Publicizing” Best Practices Counselors’ Conference Connecting to policy
11 Perkins Process Re-Engineering: Correcting Audit Concerns Addressing Users’ Concerns Connecting to policy
12 Bridge Building: 1. Draw a Plan – A vision- hypotheses – connects to policy 2. Use the Structure – Implement projects and action steps 3. Test the Structure – Data – Is the vision on track?
13 Perkins Reengineering – Why? Perkins IV February 2006 Perkins/CVA Audit Local recipient concerns about several aspects of Perkins processes Initiation of Perkins Process Reengineering project
14 Perkins Reengineering – How? Initial round of input: –Internal interviews with CTS, Fiscal, Internal Audit –Field interviews and survey; 20 interviews, 45 surveys, ~ 50% of local recipients
15 Perkins Reengineering – How? Final round of input: –Internal meetings with CTS, Fiscal, Internal Audit –State Auditor review –Perkins Field Council Sub-Committee
16 A “Peek” at the New Web-Enabled Perkins Local Plans: 1. 5-Year Long-Term Local Strategic Plan 2. 1-Year Short-Term Local Strategic Plan 3. Perkins Funded Project
17 5-Year Long-Term Local Strategic Plan Twelve questions List of ideas for possible answers
18 1-Year Short-Term Local Strategic Plan Connectivity between long- term vision and current year’s projects/action steps We will revisit the sample
19 Funded Projects in the Local Plan with objectives Objectives are Performance Metrics A Perkins Performance Metric = A Project What can CTE do about....
20 Perkins says Secondary Student Success Depends on: Academic attainment – S1, S2, Technical Skill attainment – S3 Finishing high school – S4, S5 Transitions (Placement) – S6 Non-traditional options – S7, S8
21 Perkins says Postsecondary Student Success Depends on: Technical Skill attainment – PS1 Student retention and program completion – PS2, PS3 Transitions (Placement) – PS4 Non-traditional options – PS5, PS6
22 Funded Projects in the Local Plan Projects consist of specific action steps What do I need to purchase to be able to implement the project....
23 Now Let’s Revisit the 1-Year Short- Term Local Strategic Plan Connectivity between long- term vision and current year’s projects/action steps The sample