CalACT 2005 Autumn Conference CTSAs As Mobility Mangers CalACT 2005 Autumn Conference CTSAs As Mobility Mangers October 6, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

CalACT 2005 Autumn Conference CTSAs As Mobility Mangers CalACT 2005 Autumn Conference CTSAs As Mobility Mangers October 6, 2005

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan What is Mobility Management?  Mobility Management is an institutional state of mind that emphasizes moving people instead of the mode of transportation.  A mobility manager is a transportation organization serving the general public that responds to and influences the demands of the market by undertaking actions and supportive strategies, directly or in collaboration with others, to provide a full range of options to the single-occupant automobile. TCRP Report 21: “Strategies to Assist Local Transportation Agencies in Becoming Mobility Managers” (1997)

CASE STUDY: Richmond-area Community-based Transportation Plan A resident-driven process to identify strategies that will close the transportation gaps in low-income neighborhoods Funded by Metropolitan Transportation Commission Completed Feb. 2004

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Local Transportation Coordination Service  Phone number to call for information on local transportation options  Translation assistance for non-English speakers  Help with on-line grocery orders, (also provides subsidy of delivery charges for eligible clients)  Bus buddies  One staff coordinator in local agency  COST = $60,000 per year

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Funded Mobility Center  Neighborhood House of North Richmond, non-profit CBO, to house Center  $247,150 to fund transportation coordinator and bus benches over 3 year grant  Funded by Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) with local match from West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee (county’s half-cent sales tax)

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan LIFT Grant  $247,150 for 3 years  Low Income Flexible Transportation (LIFT) Program Program provides funding to fill transportation gaps identified through welfare-to-work and MTC sponsored Community-Based Transportation planning efforts. Since its inception in 2000, the program has been supported with a combination of federal Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC), Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ), and regional discretionary State Transit Assistance (STA) funds.

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Bus Shelters  Install bus shelters similar to those being installed by AC Transit  Advertising agency installs and maintains shelter on major streets  County must pay costs on neighborhood streets  COST = minimal

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Bus Stop Seating  Install bus stop seating at stops that serve large numbers of older adults and people with disabilities  Seating works even on narrow sidewalks, and allows wheelchair access  COST = $8,000 for 20 locations

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Coordinator’s responsibilities  Set up 1-stop clearinghouse for information.  Implement bus bench program.  Implement community art program on benches with youth installation and maintenance.  Set up bus buddy program.  Contract for translation assistance.  Staff Transportation Action Committee.

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Develop plan for Center  1. Prioritize projects and find funding.  2. Serve as information clearinghouse for other programs.  3. Advocate for projects to be implemented by other agencies.

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan  1. Prioritize Projects and Find Funding  Project Examples

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Subsidize Taxi Fares  Taxis can provide transportation late at night (10 PM – 2AM) after transit stops running  Vouchers can pay taxi drivers to provide individuals a trip home for the price of bus fare  COST = $36,000/ year for 3000 trips  CDBG funds

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Flex Route Night Bus  An evening shuttle from Richmond BART  Would provide service through the neighborhoods after most transit has shut down  One shuttle bus  COST of program = $65,000 per year  TFCA, employers

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Establish Car-Sharing Program  Cars available on an hourly basis  Waived deposit (normally $300), and rates discounted by half to $2/hour and.22 cents/mile for eligible clients  Cost: $300,000 for 3 years  LIFT, Surdna Foundation

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Trip Reimbursement Program  Reimbursement for volunteers to drive individuals  Used for specific needs such as: Late nights after transit ends Emergency trips to doctors Rides for seniors to grocery shopping  COST: $170,000/year  OAA, service clubs

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan  Serve as Information Clearinghouse for Other Programs  Partner Examples

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan EXPAND AUTO LOAN PROGRAM  Contra Costa County currently provides low- interest loans for employed former CalWORKS participants to buy an auto  Expand this program to additional low-income clients  ANNUAL COST - $40,000  WtW, CDBG

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Guaranteed Ride Home Program  Existing program in which employees at participating companies who use transit can receive a taxi voucher in case of an emergency  Employee pays nothing; employer has modest administrative costs  COST: Minimal  Half-cent sales tax

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Older Driver Safety and Mobility Workshops  Workshops for older drivers to: Assist individuals to maintain healthy lifestyles that will prolong their ability to drive safely Help individuals make decisions about when to change driving habits or stop driving  COST: $400 per workshop  OAA, East Bay Community Foundation

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Expand Children’s Transportation Program  CalWORKS program transports children to school and daycare using four buses  Add two buses and increase income threshold for families able to use service  COST: $170,000 per year  WtW, Ralphs Food 4 Less Foundation

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan RIDES TO SUCCESS  Contra Costa currently has a program to transport CalWORKS clients to job training and interviews  Expand with one additional vehicle and serve additional clients  COST $84,000 per year  WtW, East Bay Community Foundation

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan  Advocate for Projects to be Implemented by Other Agencies  Partner Examples

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Discounted Youth Fare  Continue to provide discount AC Transit passes to youth  Currently $15, $5 off full price  Subsidy included in half- cent sales tax reauthorization  COST of program = $314,000 per year

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Subsidized Child Care  Provide 30 subsidized child care slots near Richmond BART for low- income families  Working parents can drop off and pick up children during work trip  COST: $200,000 + per year  TLC, service clubs

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan AC Transit Improvements  Requested by the Community  More frequent service  Service that starts earlier and runs later  More time to transfer at BART  Service that is on time  Route changes and new routes  More driver training in courtesy  Cost: $250,000-$1,000,000  District funds, conditions on developers

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Safe Routes to School & Bikeways  Complete area-wide segments in Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan  Implement Safe Routes to School project  Pave for pedestrians near bus stops  COST: Projects in Countywide Plan range from $500,000 to $8 million  Bicycle Transportation Account, half- cent sales tax

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan Steps to Mobility Management  1. Conduct needs assessment of service gaps and leadership gaps  2. Determine scope: establish new projects, be information clearinghouse, advocate  3. Develop action plan  4. Identify partners  5. Gain implementation commitments

Richmond-area Community Based Transportation Plan  Mobility Management is an institutional state of mind that emphasizes moving people instead of the mode of transportation.