A*CHIEVE Ensuring our students achieve an A* at GCSE
A*CHIEVE Capacity and Capability Resources Levers for system improvement Business engagement and Active Parenting Use of digital technology and data Growing influence of chains and multi academy trusts
A*CHIEVE Myths about factual knowledge The power of the internet The changing place of skills and competencies Ofsted perspectives; quality issues Vocational courses; equivalencies EBacc versus league tables; academy and Free School freedoms
A*CHIEVE The role of specialisms Progress and Attainment 8 Need for good Information, Advice and Guidance Pupil premium and In-School Variation Threat to minority subjects
A*CHIEVE The role of Ofsted subject reports Ofsted inspectors; political issues Whole class instruction Training and development; federations Recruitment of staff Teaching Schools Alliances; decline of Local Authority influence; political issues The private sector; use of consultants and training packages
A*CHIEVE A new sort of value added; additionality A new sort of target setting; a new floor standard Progress versus body of knowledge; some prejudices Ambiguities; no KS3; lack of confidence in KS2; challenging and turbulent schools; length of each key stage Timelines for introduction; costs
A*CHIEVE HE survey: readiness for further study and training College and university teaching styles Information advice and guidance; tracking post school/college progress Skills and vocational links
A*CHIEVE Sir Bruce Liddington Transtatus Associates Limited