Delaware Valley Science Fairs Rules’ Session The Steps to Completing Projects with the Proper Certification
DVSF Rules We follow the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2007 Rules Booklet. Questions regarding any of the rules should be directed to: Mr. Henry Disston, Director of DVSF at (Drexel University) Your fair’s rules may differ from DVSF. Check with your director for any.
DVSF Rules The ISEF(DVSF) rules can be found on the web at www. A rules wizard is also found at this site for ease of knowing which forms need to be filled out for any project. A list of common problems is also found at this site.
DVSF Rules There are 15 categories for projects: 1) Behavioral science 2) Biochemistry 3) Botany 4) Chemistry 5) Computer Science
DVSF Rules 6) Earth and Space Sciences 7) Engineering 8) Environmental Science 9) Mathematics 10) Medicine and Health 11) Microbiology 12) Physics 13) Zoology 14) Consumer Sciences (for gr. 6-8 only) 15) Team projects
DVSF Rules Each project needs to be certified that it is being done by acceptable means. All projects must have Forms 1, 1A and1B. An Abstract is to be done after the completion of the project. (An explanation of an abstract is found on the center page of the rules booklet.) There is a separate form for teams to use to replace the 1A form. It is labeled as 1A TEAM. Form 1A and 1ATEAM require a research plan to be completed. The parts of the research plan are found in the rules booklet on p. 32. Be sure that all signatures are filled in on each of the forms: Form 1-Adult sponsor Form 1B- Student, Parent, IRB or SRC signatures if needed for project approval.
DVSF Rules If a student has done their work at a research facility (university, medical center or industrial setting), Form 1C must be completed. The purpose of this form is to determine what work was done by the scientist and what work was done by the student. (If project was not done at a research facility, no form 1C is needed.)
DVSF Rules Names and Titles of Individuals/Groups used in the rules Student researcher- the student Adult sponsor- must be a teacher - if home-schooled it may be the parent Qualified Scientist- possesses an earned doctorate in science. A Master’s degree person may be acceptable if extensive experience is apparent and approved by the SRC Designated Supervisor- an adult who is directly responsible for oversight of the project is the adult sponsor is not available
DVSF Rules Groups referred to: IRB- Institutional Review Board - a committee of 3 people at a school (or research setting) that evaluates the potential risk that a project contains. At a school this should be made up of 1 adminstrter, 1 science teacher (not the sponsor) and a doctor/nurse/psychologist that is familiar with the type of project being done. The IRB must approve all human subject projects before the project is started.
DVSF Rules SRC- Scientific Review Committee - a committee made up of qualified scientist(s), a teacher that approve all projects involving: vertebrate animals microorganisms tissue, blood and body fluids (for some fairs) human projects The SRC must approve prior to the start of investigations for all projects involving human subjects, vertebrate animals and potentially hazardous biological agents. - some fairs have their own SRC committees while many use Mr. Henry Disston as their SRC Committee- if not sure, contact Mr. Disston.
DVSF Rules- Human Subjects All projects involving human subjects must be approved by the IRB in your school prior to the start of the project. To be considered a “human subject” project, the researcher must have some interaction with the subject. (see p.13) Product testing of engineering projects, analysis of athlete stats, behavioral observation (with no interaction with subjects and no environment manipulation studies) and anonymous data provided by someone else, or publicly available data are not considered human subject research and do not require an IRB.
DVSF Rules- Human Subjects Informed consent forms(Form 4) are usually required for most human projects. Projects dealing with children will require informed consent forms.(p.13-#5) Internet surveys can be done but must follow strict guidelines (p.14-#10)
DVSF Rules- Human Subjects How do you determine the level of risk? -Risk groups- minors and p.14-#1 -Risk activities =Exercise other than normally encountered in daily life =Ingestion of any substance or exposure to potentially hazardous materials -Psychological risk- cause emotional stress or breach privacy
DVSF Rules- Human Subjects Final The forms that must be completed for human projects are: Form 1 Form 1A Form 1B Form 4 Form 2(Qualified Scientist)-(If more than minimal risk) Informed Consents on Form 4 for approval --if required by IRB at your school on Form 4
DVSF Rules- Vertebrate Projects Try to do the project with invertebrate animals- this will avoid the “hassle” of more paper work other than the basic forms. All vertebrate projects must be approved by the SRC prior to start of the project. Projects that give death, pain or suffering to animals are prohibited. (see p. 17-#3 & 4) Must be done in research facility with proper housing/feeding/temp/etc.- Schools will rarely fit this criteria.
DVSF Rules- Vertebrate Projects Forms needed for vertebrate projects: Form 1 Form 1A(with research plan) Form 1B Form 5A(Vertebrate Animal Form) Form 2(Qualified Scientist) Form 1C – if working in research facility See p for appropriate vertebrate protocol
DVSF Rules- Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents These include projects with: -microorganisms(including any bacteria) -DNA - human/animal tissues, blood or body fluids
DVSF Rules- Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents First, conduct a Risk Assessment (p.23) Forms must be approved by the SRC prior to the start of the experiment. No bacteria project may be done in the home. Specimens may be collected from the home. Exempt from these rules is: baker’s yeast and brewer’s yeast; composting or fuel production with manures
DVSF Rules- Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents Forms needed for this type of project are: -Form 1 -Form 1A(with research plan) -Form 1B -Form 1C- if applicable -Form 2 (Qualified Scientist) -Form 6A (Hazardous Risk Assessment) - Form 6B (if using tissues or body fluids)
DVSF Rules- Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents See p. 22 for the exceptions to the definition of what Hazardous Biological Agents are such as: meat purchased from a store, plant tissue, hair, sterilized teeth, fossils and prepared slides of tissues. Must receive SRC prior approval of project.
DVSF Rules- Hazardous Chemicals, Activities and Devices A risk assessment must be completed. See p. 26 for definition of Hazardous Chemicals Forms needed: - Form 1, 1A(with research plan), 1B - Form 1C– if done in a research lab - Form 2 (Qualified Scientist)- if applicable - Form 3 (Risk Assessment Form)
DVSF Rules- Continued Projects All projects that are a continuation of a project from a previous year must complete Form 7 to demonstrate how there is significant work done. See p. 10 for other criteria regarding the definition of a continuation project.
DVSF Rules The Presentation of the Project: Maximum Board size: 108”High(floor to top), 48” side to side, 30” deep- contact your fair to verify these for your fair An abstract of the project must be displayed on the board or in front (See Student Handbook for demonstration).
DVSF Rules Items prohibited from display: Living organisms including plants Animal preserved parts Any food type (animal or human) All chemicals including water Any hazardous substance/device Sharp objects Flames Batteries with open tops
DVSF Rules Prohibited items: Previous awards Offensive photos Photos of dissections, etc Glass objects including test tubes All photos must have credit as to who took photo. Informed consents must be obtained for anyone other than the student researcher for their picture to be displayed. A log book and research paper are highly recommended. Your regional fair may differ and will require these.
DVSF Rules If you have any questions regarding certification, contact your fair director or Mr. Henry Disston at