Consilium briefing #1: The one with the sailing ship Strategic planning for new and growing schools
Leaving harbour If you were the captain of this ship, which is going on a four month cruise across the Atlantic, what would you have to think about Before leaving During the voyage After the voyage
The variables In the captain’s control Balanced crew All skill sets on board Crew morale and discipline Victualling and supply Key practice Getting through the necessary chores together Everyone knowing their role Outside the captains control Wind Tide Availability of general labour – is it harvest time? Fresh food and water en route The disposition of local populations War and peace disease
Influence or control? When you look of it none of the variables are totally in the captain’s control, though some are more susceptible to his influence than others What are the personal qualities that will enable the captain to make the most of his influence? how should he prepare in order to make the most of his influence and get the ship to its destination? What the the tools and equipment he needs to find his way across the ocean? What will give his crew confidence? What will undermine confidence in him? Will he ever make a decision against the advice of his senior officers?
New school project variables Subject to your influence Recruitment Budgeting and procurement Curriculum planning Staff orientation & morale Marketing Systems & routines Health & Safety Student happiness Outside of your influence Host national economy Global economy Host national politics Host national regulator Social media Natural disaster
Where do you start?
Sailing against the wind 4 months into a new school project, the wind changes The country’s economy starts to stall in response to a global downturn You lose 10% of your students after families return following the first 2 week break One of your staff – new the Physics teacher – “does a runner ”. How do you react? What needs to change? What has to stay the same? How do you know what has to change and what has to stay the same?
What gets you through the stormy weather? Longer term factors Shorter term factors
Strong Foundations Vision: Something specific you are steering towards Mission: The philosophical compass that guides both short as well as long term decision making Strategic plan: The map or chart you use to plan your route
Knowing what to change, and making quick decisions Your destination? (the vision ) Your mission? (the guiding compass) Your strategic plan? (the route to the destination)