Preparing for Inspection KELLY STOCK
Session outline Preparing for Inspection – what does the data say? Judging the quality of teaching over time Dispelling myths Question time
Raise on Line, the PIR and the data dashboard Raise – Context, Attendance for all groups including those pupils who join late or significant groups within the school, AOE, Attainment at each Key Stage – for all groups (gaps between gender, FSM, EAL, CLA and SEND) and for all subjects. Are gaps closing? Number of entries for Most Able. PIR – previous strengths and recommendations Data dashboard comparisons with National and similar schools. Lines of enquiry
Judging teaching over time Lesson observations, work scrutiny and talking to pupils. How the teacher promote positive behaviour and attitudes to learning? Pupils’ attitudes to learning seen in class and in their books/learning journals. Pupils’ behaviour and their attitudes to the teacher. Pupils’ talk to each other. Punctuality in arriving at lessons. Pupils’ love of learning, their curiosity and eagerness to learn. Pupils’ resilience, confidence and independence.
Work scrutiny Do pupils have the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge over time? How well do the tasks build on previous learning? Does work evidence progress? Does it evidence sufficient challenge? Is there a variety of work that maintains pupils’ interests? Does the quality of marking have an impact on the pupils’ learning? Does the teacher make accurate assessments? Is it clear to pupils what they are doing well and what next steps are needed to improve? Does the work of FSM/Pupil Premium/CLA/EAL pupils match the work of their peers of similar ability? Is there sufficient challenge and support for the most able and pupils with SEN respectively? Does the teacher comment on the pupil’s literacy i.e. give guidance on how to improve their vocabulary (both in lessons and in books)?
Talk to pupils What are you learning about? What have you found out? Can you tell me about…? Can you explain to me what you are doing? What have you learnt that is new? Can you show me how you have improved your work? What helps you to know what you have done well or need to improve? What do you do if you finish early or get stuck? How does the teacher help you when you find something difficult? How easy/difficult is the work?
The Governing Body As many governors as possible should be involved in the inspection. Inspectors will met with governors to ask them about data and gaps. Inspectors will look at minutes and visits to judge how well the GB is placed to challenge and support the school.
The practicalities of Inspection - information we will ask for before the inspection - evidence we will look at during - example day 1 and 2 - feedback and involvement of the HT
Ofsted of 2005 versus the inspection handbook of 2014 – dispelling myths Some schools are working under the expectations of the 2005 Framework To confirm: Inspectors do not have a pre-conceived idea before the inspection. Inspectors do not have preferred learning/teaching styles. Inspectors do not expect to see lesson plans. Inspectors do not judge individual lessons Clarification for schools document